66.6 Things You Should Know About Satan!
from A Collection of Numbers of the Beast (http://www.raptureready.com/rr-666.html)*
* with numerous additions and improvements by myself
Sure, Satan is the Prince of Darkness, but what do we really know about him? Here is a list of useful information:
66.6 Things You Should Know About Satan!
The Mathematics of the Beast
1) 666 (the number of the beast, the Antichrist)
2) -666 (the negative number of the beast, the Prochrist)
3) 666[-/(-1)] (the imaginary number of the beast)
4) 0.666 (the repeating decimal of the beast)
5) 0.67 (the number of the beast rounded to the nearest 100th)
6) 1/666 (the common denominator of the beast)
7) 666.0000 (the number of the high-precision beast)
8) 660 (the approximate number of the beast)
9) 1010011010 (the binary number of the beast)
10) 29A (the hexadecimal number of the beast)
11) DCLXVI (the Roman numeral of the beast)
12) 969 (the dyslexic number of the beast)
The Contact Information of the Beast
13) 1-800-666-6666 (the 24 hour toll-free hotline number of the beast)
14) 1-666-666-6666 (the home phone number of the beast, unlisted)
15) www.666.ac.org (the official homepage of the beast)
16) www.666.ac.com(the unofficial homepage of the beast)
17) [email protected] (the email address of the beast)
18) 00666 (the ZIP code of the beast)
19) 6/6/66 (the birth date of the beast)
20) 666-66-6666 (the Social Security number of the beast)
The Going Rate of the Beast
21) $6,660,000 (the Sotheby's final auction price of the beast)
22) $665.95 (the retail price of the beast)
23) $699.25 (the price of the beast plus 5% state sales tax)
24) $769.95 (the price of the beast with all accessories and warranty)
25) $656.66 (the Wal-Mart price of the beast)
26) $646.66 (next week's Wal-Mart price of the beast)
27) $333.00 (the after-Christmas sale price of the beast)
28) $222.00 (the going-out-of-business liquidation price of the beast)
29) $73.93 (the “Final Closeout Sale!” price of the beast with an additional 66.6% at the register)
The Family of the Beast
30) 661 (the father of the beast)
31) 662 (the mother of the beast)
32) 663 (the Auntie Christ)
33) 664 (the Uncle Christ)
34) 665 (the older brother of the beast)
35) 666, Jr. (the baby of the beast)
36) 667 (the younger brother of the beast)
The Finances of the Beast
37) 6.66% (the 5-year CD rate at First Infernal Bank)
38) $6.66 (minimum balance at First Infernal Bank)
39) $666.00 (the weekly take home pay of the beast) *this guy needs a cost of living raise!
40) 66.6% (the annual savings rate of the beast) *he must be Korean
41) 666k (the retirement plan of the beast)
42) 66 ½ (the retirement age of the beast)
The Wheels of the Beast
43) 666i (the BMW of the beast)
44) IAM 666 (the vanity license plate number of the beast)
45) 66.6 MPH (the cruise control setting of the beast)
46) Phillips 666 (the gasoline of the beast)
47) Route 666 (the way of the beast)
The Entrepreneurship of the Beast
48) WD-666 (the lubricant spray of the beast)
49) Formula 666 (the all-purpose cleaner of the beast)
50) Chanel No. 666 (the fragrance of the beast)
51) 666 UP (the soft drink of the beast)
52) 6" X 6" X 6" (the lumberyard of the beast)
53) 666A (the rental unit of the beast)
The Favorite Things of the Beast
54) 66.6 MHz (the FM radio station of the beast)
55) 666 KHz (the AM radio station of the beast)
56) The 666 Dalmatians (the favorite remake of the beast)
57) 666 °F (the oven temperature for cooking roast "beast")
58) 66.6 °F (the thermostat setting of the beast)
The Health and Fitness of the Beast
59) 6 feet, 6.6 inches (the height of the beast)
60) 66.6 kilos (the weight of the beast)
61) 666 mg (the recommended minimum daily requirement of the beast)
62) 666 calories (the diet of the beast)
63) 999 (the number of the beast while doing his gravity inversions exercises)
64) 666% (the percent the beast gives for the team)
65) 20/666 (the eyesight of the beast)
66) 6.66 inches (what the beast is packin' in his pants, ba-da-bing, you know what I'm talkin' 'bout!)
Bonus Round of the Beast!
66.6) (add another 2/3 for bad luck)