MovieChat Forums > The Rapture (1991) Discussion > Who would be that stupid?

Who would be that stupid?


Ok so at the end of the movie Mimi Rogers and her kid are in some sort of makeshift purgatory, (which is apparently a barren foggy landscape) and all Mimi Rogers has to do is "love god" and she get's into heaven which is right across the way, close enough so that she can see it.

Her kid keeps telling her to "love god" before the final trumphet sounds or she's gonna be screwed and not make it into heaven, but no, no Mimi Rogers won't have any of that because she's pissed at god for all the worlds suffering and this, that, and the other.

And so the movie ends with Mimi Rogers saying "No" to loving god, the final trumphet sounds and the kid asks, sadly how long do you have to stay here, to which Mimi Rogers replies, chillingly, "Forever". At which point the kid dissappers, and the camera slowly pulls out leaving Mimi Rogers supposedly condemed to an eternity of standing around in the fog and being able to see heaven where everyone is having a wild party but she doesn't get to join, EVER, because she was just being stubborn.

My question is pretty simple. Who in the hell would be THAT stupid?

I mean I'm an ATHEIST, I personally think religion is a bunch of superstitious BS created by ignorent people without the common sense to think for themselves and with far too much free time.

BUT if I was just sitting around some time and suddenly the bars started falling off of jail cells, earthquakes, trumpet sounds and I saw people in black cloaks riding around on horses and then I was suddenly transported to a mysertious barren landscape where I was told to "love god" so that I could get into heaven, you can BET YOUR A S S that I would be down on my knees running off at the mouth about what a great fellow god is. Atheism isn't about being anti-relgion, it's about not blindly believing in a buch of illogical off the wall silliness that people just make up out of thin air without any proof whatsoever. But if all this wild stuff started happening right in front of my face then obviously the situation has changed quite a bit and at that point prayer is quite obviously the only logical choice.

So, ya, anyway, I thought the end of the movie was pretty stupid, cuzz I can't think of anyone who isn't retarded (and don't they get into heaven for free anyway? If not that's pretty f'd up.) refusing to do something as simple as "loving god" so that they could get into the greatest kegger EVER. Just doesn't make sense.


I just watched this movie on FX randomly and I totally agree.


We are placed here in some positions better than others, having to go through the hardships of life and sacrificing things that are dear to us. While enduring those hardships, we are given the freedom in exchange to do what we please. Somewhere during all those hardships, it all pays off.. even if it was for a moment. We are also given the choice to believe what we want to believe, without being in fear of having to only believe in one thing. If you stared up at the sky and saw angels or buddha, what do you think you would believe from there?

I'm told people who worship Satan, see him as a tragic hero. The reason I bring that up is, people will still hold resent about something even when their life is over. Let's say for example all the people you love were taken away by someone. Wouldn't you hold resent against them, no matter who they were? A hatred so strong, you would decide to keep it forever because of what was taken away from them. Sure you may be able to be reunited with them, but what if doing so you had to worship and surrender yourself to the one who took them away? The one who had shown no mercy, and ripped them out of this world from you and everyone else. Would it really be that easy to just let your heart go, and give in to them? Not just to be in better world, but to truly love them in that world.

Although, god wouldn't be the one responsible. It is because we have choices, everyone is responsible. Since we have those choices, people blame the one who gave them those choices. What I thought was interesting, was the fact that she said "he let me kill you". He let you have the choices for you to make on your own. It wasn't god that killed her daughter. It was her, and the fact she isn't willing to accept the mistakes she has made. She will hold resent forever to a choice that was not only given to her, but one she made herself.

P.S. I found
"It's about not blindly believing in a buch of illogical off the wall silliness that people just make up out of thin air without any proof whatsoever. "

to be a tad anti-relgious


I'm an agnostic but I believe that, if he exists, God is, of course, capable of understanding our most inner thoughts and emotions - even ones we may not know. If you are told to love God and you do so to get into heaven and don't sincerely mean it - then he'll know. She felt betrayed by God and probably realized if she lied and told God that she loved him while still feeling that anger, she wouldn't be accepted into heaven. In order to go to heaven she couldn't simply say that she loved God, but had to truely mean it - and at that moment she had completely lost faith in his abilities as a self-proclaimed omnipotent loving and justified god.


I said this elsewhere, but the ending demonstrates one of two possible reasons Mimi's character did what she did:

1) She was insane and no longer capable of making rational decisions where the obvious is staring at you in the face (not the most likely reason for the ending).


2) The film-makers went for a stupid "Hollywood ending", trying to make some point yet avoiding the reality of how someone would act when in this situation.

America put the "fun" back into "Fundamentalism".


She was lost, grieving, angry and, frankly, not of her right mind. She killed her daughter, remember?
God would know that and it wouldn't take the call of the trumpets to give her a last chance.
If she was deserving she'd go to Heaven.
But, in the end, it's not for us to say.


I mean I'm an ATHEIST, I personally think religion is a bunch of superstitious BS created by ignorent people without the common sense to think for themselves and with far too much free time.


That's me: Miss Ignorance. I believe.


Well, I can tell you that simply "loving God" is NOT the way to get into Heaven at all. Actually,it is as simple as just faith ALONE in Christ ALONE that saves us and allows us to live in Heaven with God forever and that is it, nothing else!

Without question, this movie absolutely does NOT portray the truth about the rapture, the end times (that we are in now), or the truth about being a believer in Christ. Not even close!!!! My pastor recently taught on the subject of the end times in a series called, God's Grace and Mercy Found In The Prophesies Of The End Times. It was such a wonderful and comforting message because it was about how God is not a harsh and angry God at all who is waiting to punish us and send us to the Lake of Fire for not loving Him, but the God who desires that EVERYONE be saved and be with Him in Heaven forever. God is a LOVING and COMPASSIONATE Father who loves us and waits for us like the father waited for his son in Luke 15:20 - 24. That parable is the TRUE picture of God, not the god who was portrayed in this terrible movie!!!

The truth is that Jesus is 100% man and 100% God and that He is the One who was judged and died for all of the sins of everyone in the world, past, present and future, whether they believed in Him or not. We are not even judged at the judgment seat of Christ for our sins because of what Christ did at the cross for us - we are only judged for our deeds! The ONLY sin that will send someone to the Lake of Fire (hell) is to not believe in God's Son, Jesus Christ - that is it! This is the free gift of salvation that God offers to everyone. And the great news is that once you are a believer, even if it is just for a second, you are saved forever, no matter what!!! You can never lose your salvation ever!! This is called Eternal Security. There is not even ONE verse in the Bible that says we can ever do ANYTHING to lose our salvation once we have been saved. So this movie absolutely did not portray the truth about salvation!!! God is not an indian giver who gives us salvation and then takes it away because of a sin we committed or not "loving Him". Humans are indian givers, but God thankfully is NOT!

Again, It is only faith alone in Christ alone that saves us,NOT religion or being good, religious or moral. FAITH ALONE IN CHRIST ALONE, period! Religion is satan's (the god of this world) invention to deceive and distract us from the only One who can save us, Jesus Christ. Also, whether or not, you are a believer, the only thing that we are judged for is our deeds, NOT our sins. Our sins were paid for once and for all on the cross where Jesus took all of the judgement that we should take for our sins and paid for all of them IN FULL!!! Jesus not only died physically for us and suffered more than any human ever did or ever will again, but He also was spiritually separated from His Father (God the Father, His Father) for three hours while He willingly of His Own free will, took the judgement for all of our sins - every last one of them! And He would have done that even if there was only ONE human on earth who needed salvation. That is how much He loves us and how much God loves us as He gave us the very best that Heaven had to offer, His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ. It is such an absolutely incredible gift that He freely offers to everyone! God is a God Who continually gives us Grace after Grace and Mercy after Mercy, NOT because we earn or deserve it, because we DON'T, but because of Who and What He is.


I wanted to discuss a film, and instead get a lengthy excercise in circular logic....

Talk about the movie or don't. If you don't want to, talk about something else someplace else.

You're giving all of the sane Christians posting on this site a bad name.

Matt Channing
Oscar quality film music at bargain basement prices.


There's a kind of higher justice and righteousness in being willing to tell God to his face that he's a capricious bully. "Who forgives God?" she aptly asks in prison. I support her choice. That's what makes it such a powerful movie for me. I am also an atheist but if there were such a god, I can only hope that I would have the courage to speak truth to power. So her refusal to say that she loves God can be seen as the ultimate act of moral integrity.


The characters imagined by Christians who reject God despite PROOF, which is how Christians view all atheists, would be that stupid.

Basically Christians simply can't comprehend people who think in any context where God actually doesn't exist. So they simply imagine everyone is rejecting or ignoring God or pretending God doesn't exist.

To understand this mindset, you must understand that every Christian believes God has ALREADY revealed himself to everyone in some way or another.


I don't think this is a christian screed. I think this is the writer asking us to consider the possibility that God is not good. (But maybe I'm all too eager to reach that conclusion). Google misotheism or dystheism.


I imagine it's more than just saying you love God. Sharon would have to feel it, and there was no way she could fake that. My interpretation, in a nutshell.

"I hardly know, which way is up, or which way down" - "I Feel Possessed", Neil Finn


I believe in possibilities in both religion and sciences, I mean it isn't proven for sure that there are aliens out there in the universe somewhere and it isn't proven that there is a God either. But I believe that both exist somehow and it is all about taking a chances.

As for Mimi's character refusing to love God so she can go to Heaven, I don't believe in a God that wouldn't let her in Heaven because she refuses to love Him, I believe He would have let her in. God isn't to be blamed for what is going on in the world, humans are to blame, we make the same mistakes over and over and over again. All we can do is be the best that we can and not hurt one another and keep figuring out the universe, Einstein said that the more you learn about the universe Einstein said "it's a miracle that our world is comprehensible".

I am not sure if he said this or someone else did but I think I heard from somewhere that the more we learn about the universe, the closer we get to knowing God.


Except that the more we learn about the universe, the less room there is for gods. There's plenty of room for alien life. We know there are other Earth-like planets in the habitable zones around their stars. Given the quantity of stars, there must be a mind-boggling number of such planets. In contrast, gods have been trying to live in the ever-shrinking gaps of human knowledge, and don't have much place to hide any more. Either gods cannot affect our universe, or they simply choose never to do so. That's close enough to not existing at all, for me not to care about the difference.

Religion -- believing in something with no proof or no way to prove -- is directly opposed to science. It's not a complementary approach. In science, beyond simply believing something, you need to test that hypothesis. So far, despite a lot of highly-motivated people trying, no feasible tests for gods have come back positive. What else would you believe in, on that evidence?


"So far, despite a lot of highly-motivated people trying, no feasible tests for gods have come back positive. What else would you believe in, on that evidence?"

I believe in possibility.
