Who would be that stupid?
Ok so at the end of the movie Mimi Rogers and her kid are in some sort of makeshift purgatory, (which is apparently a barren foggy landscape) and all Mimi Rogers has to do is "love god" and she get's into heaven which is right across the way, close enough so that she can see it.
Her kid keeps telling her to "love god" before the final trumphet sounds or she's gonna be screwed and not make it into heaven, but no, no Mimi Rogers won't have any of that because she's pissed at god for all the worlds suffering and this, that, and the other.
And so the movie ends with Mimi Rogers saying "No" to loving god, the final trumphet sounds and the kid asks, sadly how long do you have to stay here, to which Mimi Rogers replies, chillingly, "Forever". At which point the kid dissappers, and the camera slowly pulls out leaving Mimi Rogers supposedly condemed to an eternity of standing around in the fog and being able to see heaven where everyone is having a wild party but she doesn't get to join, EVER, because she was just being stubborn.
My question is pretty simple. Who in the hell would be THAT stupid?
I mean I'm an ATHEIST, I personally think religion is a bunch of superstitious BS created by ignorent people without the common sense to think for themselves and with far too much free time.
BUT if I was just sitting around some time and suddenly the bars started falling off of jail cells, earthquakes, trumpet sounds and I saw people in black cloaks riding around on horses and then I was suddenly transported to a mysertious barren landscape where I was told to "love god" so that I could get into heaven, you can BET YOUR A S S that I would be down on my knees running off at the mouth about what a great fellow god is. Atheism isn't about being anti-relgion, it's about not blindly believing in a buch of illogical off the wall silliness that people just make up out of thin air without any proof whatsoever. But if all this wild stuff started happening right in front of my face then obviously the situation has changed quite a bit and at that point prayer is quite obviously the only logical choice.
So, ya, anyway, I thought the end of the movie was pretty stupid, cuzz I can't think of anyone who isn't retarded (and don't they get into heaven for free anyway? If not that's pretty f'd up.) refusing to do something as simple as "loving god" so that they could get into the greatest kegger EVER. Just doesn't make sense.