MovieChat Forums > The Rapture (1991) Discussion > The film is NOT saying fundies are right...

The film is NOT saying fundies are right, all the contrary!!!


Anyone who thinks the film is a "WHAT IF" regarding BS beliefs like the rapture just didn't get the film.

It's actually a study of where such whacky beliefs can take you if taken seriously enough to their logical conclussions.

"The Rapture is vastly more intriguing if you suppose that Sharon's conversion is an elaborate self-delusion. If Sharon never has a genuine revelation but convinces herself that she does in a desperate attempt to change her life, it would explain the idiotic and unforgivable decisions she makes later, when she starts believing that God owes her something, and it would explain her attitude at the very end."

That is indeed veru true.

For how else can you explain her simply being left stranded in the desert until near death if indeed God told her to get there? Name one example in the Bible where any character directed by God to go somewhere had to wait until near death for God to show up (40 years in the dessert don't count since the israelites on that ocassion violated a DIRECT order from God, hence the 40 eyar punishment).

How else can you explain God not stopping her from killing her daughter? If God indeed asked her that, He would've pulled a Abraham ("just kidding!") and saved the girl and rewarded Sharon for her faith.

How else can you explain a TOTALLY evil God whom would ask her to kill her daughter for real and then demand her to suck it up? That's the only way to define God if everything is for real, and Sharon should be commended for telling him a big FOCK YOU. But that would be Preacher territory (the comic book by Ennis and Dillon).

Do the math, it just doesn't make any sense if indeed she was right and the rapture happened.

But if she just deluded herself (Andrea Yates, anyone?) it makes TOTAL sense. What, the "prophecies" from the boy at her community came true? True believers can rationalize anything and see prophecies fulfilled in cheese burgers. Just take a look at how many idiots think Nostradamus predicted 9/11 and even the length of my dick.

That would explain also the sherrif trying to convince her to give it up. THAT is God's true message for her, trying to get her to see the light and let up.

Some say it's a Frailty type of film (in which the dad was proven right and God indeed did ask muders and is therefore an evil God). But they miss the point in doing such comparison, because in Frailty's own logic (How can God deamnd such things?), such conclusion makes sense (main character is rewarded and indeed protected by God), but in here, the movie's own logic (can the fundies be right?) would require God to be the fundie's version, and no fundi ANYWHERE believes in an evil God, one whom would demand that much from you. Such action betrays that logic, thus invalidating the notion that indeed she was right.

But whatever. If God ever asks you other than love, seek a shrink, FAST.


You pretty much have it. This is a film about how indoctrination and a need to believe in that which provides no proof of its existence (because you desperately fear death, most likely) can lead to outright insanity.

Anyone who sees "God's love" in this movie needs to be avoided.


yes I found the killing of the little girl just sort of well, sick. this movie was sick. interesting, but to me it is an example of a sickness in our society. the sex was unnecessary, the killing of the daughter was just plain wrong, I don't care what you are trying to say in this movie, it was just plain wrong. if there is a god, he would never "test" us by having us kill children, even if said children go to "heaven" and can be re-united with the parent.

that said, I did enjoy the movie if only to make one think. a very disturbing movie


I believe the movie does a couple of things. While I believe it definately makes the point of taking to task blind faith, and how any type of religious belief can be extremely harmful, it also takes to task what the situation would be if god does exist. On the one hand, we are shown how blind faith, and allowing religion to basically do a mind control project on oneself can lead to actions that are totally insane, it also shows how, even a person of faith, in this case christian, can believe in god, but in the end hate said god based on experiences or circumstances that have transpired. so while I can see it as being a movie that is criticizing religious faith of all kinds. It is also a movie showing us what can happen to people with belief in god when it comes to the apex of that belief.

And the sex was necessary as it was just part of showing where she was and how she got to where she did. It was a long road for her. Whatever your belief in sexual experiences, the religious route she chose frowned upon her previous experiences and that even further strengthened her religious furvor. Often times the most religious are those who have been at the lowest point of any of us. Not that having sex with different people is a low point. but in her mind, it was.


you do understand that the idea that the world wasn't created is absolutely absurd right?

