Overthinkng...possibl y?
Cable stations are showing this again and I caught it last night. Its been 20 years since I've seen it, and I still have the same opinion then as I have now. This is a brilliant film. sometimes I think people over think it but ti does one thing: it presents quite several points of view and it is up to the viewer to decide where the line exists...with them.
Of course there are several instances that are meant for you to discuss. I mean, you have the bad staple of what some think are the dregs against Christianity - adultery, sex, debauchery, deniable circumstances...and then... revelations/awakening... getting saved to be more, ahem, righteous (and with all the alleged trappings of it all)....but then... more hell and personal strife...the Rapture...and then, wondering what was all of this for? God? Where was He when she "needed" him?
When you see this, where do you stand? Same thoughts? Same life? Abhorrent to her life? She got what she deserved for the life she led? God forgives, but is He the only one allowed to forgive? Why after a big change is her life not..better? Who is in control? Who should be in control? How far should you go...and under how much can faith carry you? And when it's time for that final judgement...what will you do/choose? Not everyone will choose the "right" thing, did she? Will you? Everyone will take a side, see things differently and that is the beauty of this film, I think. No answers given, you need to decide...and debate. That's what this film does. No need to over think it as I believe the answer is supposed to be personal to you as it was for her.
It was Rhoda's medal.share