An absolute waste ...
What an absolute waste. 'Pure Luck' tries to be funny telling the story about a missing heiress being sought after by an experienced private dic (Glover) who has to tolerate the 'accident waiting to happen' antics of his supposed partner/boss (Short). In short, 'Pure Luck' was aweful. Martin Short over acts and Danny Glover looks like he wishes he was some place else. I would've picked Chris Farley instead of Short. I'm not a fan of Short's style of slapstick comedy. He's not funny and his slapstick looks forced. The movie had a couple moments when I chuckled but most scenes were predictable and the humor was lame.
Slapstick comedy is about timing and Short misses the mark in every scene. Legendary slapstickers such as Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and Laural & Hardy set the standard. Short tries too hard and misses. He doesn't look natural, as the legends did, and borders on ridiculous when he does his pratfalls. To borrow a title from another movie this movie is much ado about nothing.