MovieChat Forums > Psycho IV: The Beginning (1990) Discussion > Psycho IV Bloopers: Norman's age when st...

Psycho IV Bloopers: Norman's age when started killing.

When the first Psycho was made by Hitchcock in 1960, Norman had to be about 25 or 30. Say Norman was 25 in 1960 and was therefore born in 1935. Hence, when his father died from the bee stings, Norman was six - the year was 1941???? Is the depicted well in the funeral scene flashback? Norman was 15 when he killed the girl who wanted to seduce him, the year was 1950, the clothes everyone wore looked seventies and eighties. THIS FILM HAS NO TIME OR ERA PLANNING TO IT WHATSOEVER!
Next, Norman (Perkins) on the telephone to the radio show talking with Olivia Hussey, he says that he killed his mother and the boyfriend "slowly" after he had killed the girl who tried to seduce him (this was Norman's debut or premiere into the world of killing) and after the older woman he was kissing in the car (scene where he strangled her and buried the car in the swomp for the first time).

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. HUGE BLOOPER! When the girl seducing Norman entered the house, he went into his mother's room. His mother was dead and he imagined her telling him to stab the girl.

So you see, members of the jury, how could Norman have killed the girl who seduced him as his first murder, when his dead mother told him to do so - he killed the mother first. Do the writers not plan these things out professionaly.


Norman was 15 when he killed the girl who wanted to seduce him, the year was 1950, the clothes everyone wore looked seventies and eighties.

Dude, were you even alive in the seventies and eighties? Because I was, and I didn't see anyone dressed like that then. Those clothes were totally convincing as fifties styles.

Next, Norman (Perkins) on the telephone to the radio show talking with Olivia Hussey

Wha? Olivia Hussey played his mother. CCH Pounder was the talk show host.

he says that he killed his mother and the boyfriend "slowly" after he had killed the girl who tried to seduce him

I just watched the movie last night, and while I might quibble over his claim that he killed them slowly (which I would equate more with a slow poisoning over weeks or months rather than one glass of poison laced tea) he said nothing that would indicate that he killed his mother after killing the girl. Just that he recounted the story in such a way that he told of killing the girl first.

You have many question, Mr Sparkle. I send you premium -- answer question, hundred percent!


We see his dead mother in her bed, of course he killed her before the girl! And anyway he had no reason to kill the girl if his mother was alive. His alive mother wouldn't have told him to kill anyone.


I think I see where the confusion has arisen here. Norman does indeed say the girl was his "first" but you have to take the line in context. The full line is "I killed some other women too. The first was a girl who just wanted to have sex with me." He doesn't mean this was the first person he killed, it means this was the first other than his mother, the first of the others.


Yes, and it doesn't make it a blooper that this was his first flashback. They were just revealing his first murder besides mother.

The actual flashback of mother's murder occurs later, which is basically the climax of all the flashback scenes. (It was rather ridiculous since the poison victims kept getting up and sneaking behind Norman for cheap scares, really cheesy, would be much more effective if they just died quicker)


Ok firstly, the girl he killed, it wasn't the eighties, it was the fifties, look at the cars, the clothes and the music. Eighties didn't look like this.
Also he said he had killed other people besides his mother, then he says the first time was the girl and he goes on to explain. He doesn't say he killed his mother after the girl, he said his first time killing after s mother was the girl.
Watch it again slowly and listen to the lines, ps I only know cos I'm watching it now.

Also just cos Hitchcock made the film in 1960 it didn't mean that was the date.
And I would have thought Norman was about 18-20 in psycho one making his birth if u say it was 1960 to be 1940ish making the funeral about 1945 or 1946, then he was about 15 when he killed the girl making it 1955 ish which looks right, listen to the radio and he music she's listening to.

Also when he was arrested in as u say, 1960, he was put away for 22 yrs making it 82 when he was released and psycho 2 was made in 83. The timing in he films are right

