Did Martin have a PC in his living room? SOLVED
First of all, please excuse my ignorance of the lives of blind people and enlighten me if possible.
In the first scene in Martin's house I saw what appeared to be a computer monitor and keyboard on a hutch in the living room. My first thought was "Ah, a goof, a blind person wouldn't have a PC, especially in the early 90's". Then, near the end of the film, Martin actually sits down in front of the hutch, and I realized that it couldn't be a goof because the keyboard, monitor and printer were too prominent in the shot to not be noticed, even though Martin doesn't touch any of them.
So, any guesses on what the equipment was, and how a blind person would use it?
Maybe a regular PC (or just a word processor) to type letters to seeing people? And the monitor was only used if the blind person were being assisted by a seeing person? Or the monitor was only there because it came with the PC? Or Martin owned a PC, but had the housekeeper or someone else actually use it when he needed something?
Or, is it possibly special equipment for the blind. Maybe the blind person types at the keyboard, and the printer prints Braille? And again, the monitor is used only when a seeing person is assisting?
Any ideas or knowledge to share...
You can catch the devil,
You just can't hold him very long...