Barbara Streisand

it really gets me how people are forever bad mouthing Barbra Streisand on her directing. If she was unknown i'd guarantee there'd be alot more comments saying how good she was! people are too quick to judge these days


I really really dislike her... her stands, her big mouth, her weirdness etc.... but she is a gret director, actress, singer, dancer, performer. So yeah.... I wish people could seperate their own personal feelings about someone from their work. My husband... bless his dumb little heart, hates Elton John AND all his songs because hes gay. That is soooo stupid.

Criticism is prejudice made plausible.
H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)


I've loved babs for eva eva, but I can understand how she can be a little annoying and too much politics...I really don't think that has anything with her being snubbed twice for an academy award, hence jane fonda and vanessa redgrave. However, Babs has a unique touch with directing, what with her perfectionism and all, but I think her real talents are singing and acting. It's good that she doesn't put all of her eggs in one basket. She likes to try everything, which is HOOOOT.



I was completely blown away by this film. It might not be the best film ever made but I thought the entire cast were amazing, the cinematography beautiful and the direction fantastic. It really annoys me how people tend to judge Barbra's acting/directing/singing on her politics...I don't understand why people can't just seperate the two.

I thought Barbra did an excellent job with this film.

"I'm the nicest goddamn dame that ever lived" - Bette Davis


I can totally separate the two, I was just trying to relate to a previous post wherein the poster said that she does mix her business with politics, wherein I would totally have to agree. I think she sometimes piggybacks her career with her liberal views and do you remember the controversy with James Brolin and the Reagan movie? People thought she was whispering ideas in his head and putting up money for the film.

Like Woody Allen, I love him I think he's hilarious. I don't really think about his life when I watch his films. Same thing with Barbra. I watch The Prince Of Tides and I'm thinking about the characters. (not that woody is in politics, but you know what I mean). If these people are ever judged on the basis of personality, it is because they're either activists or lead highly eccentric lives. And in any situation...whether you're famous, live in a small town or have a white-collar career, if you make your views or lifestyle known you are up for some kind of scrutiny. I think we all live with a smidgeon of

I don't think Barbra really cares what people think one way or the other. I think it's amusing we can all share our thoughts here on the good ole IMBD.



I'm watching "The Prince of Tides" on cable right now and I think Barbra Streisand did an amazing job directing this movie. Regardless of who she is and what you think of her, she deserves accolades and respect as a director, if not for everything else she has accomplished in her career.


You're right. To really appreciate the movie, you have to understand the point of Conroy's novel. He was pulling back the curtain on the pain that a man felt because of his past, his mother, and even the uncertainty of his future. Conroy makes his readers feel the pain that Tom and Savanna felt, while at the same time showing the reader the pain of someone who was completely disassociated with Tom and Savanna's past. I think that Streisand was the perfect choice to play the part she did, and to direct the movie considering the fact that she is a very sensitive person who can connect with her viewers and listeners. She was awesome, and did an awesome job directing this movie.


Yeah She does go on and on about politics and as a free citizen she can do that, If her celebrity status aids her polital view then thats in her favour. I think people should separate the two and see her as an actress and singer,director and then as the political figure if at all.Just because you don't agree it doesn't make her wrong."What she is happens once"


What I find funny is the people who think fans vote and feel the same the celebrity does.


I agree with your post. I get so tired of people ragging on Barbra, just because they don't like the way she looks or their jealous of her success or they don't like her politics and they allow their feelings to cloud their opinions about everything she does. I truly think a lot of it is jealousy. Barbra came from a nothing neighborhood in Brooklyn and became a superstar and a lot of people have to resent that. And I think the majority of that jealousy comes from her very own peers, which I think is just horrible. After awarding her an Oscar in 1968, the Academy and the rest of the show business community has treated her like poison. They nominated THE PRINCE OF TIDES for seven Oscars but did not give her a nomination for Best Director? What's that about? I'm convinced that a lot of the resentment Hollywood has against Barbra is jealousy...what other woman in Hollywood has the juice to get a film like THE RPINCE OF TIDES made on her own terms?


I agree totally. Regardless of her politics, she is a great actress, singer, and was a pretty good director. She deserved at least a nomination for The Prince of Tides. Oh well, at least she has her Oscar. There are a lot of actresses out there who cannot claim that distinction.


Actually,Barbra has two Oscars at home. She also won a Best Song Oscar for writing the lyrics to "Evergreen" from A STAR IS BORN.
