MovieChat Forums > Prayer of the Rollerboys (1991) Discussion > Whatever mist is I want some!! Right?

Whatever mist is I want some!! Right?

I dont know what that stuff is but it looked sweet. It looked like it was a pretty intense high with a good peak and coming down looked rather easy. I wandered what the bong like apparatus that meltie had was? It looked fun.



Dude, TOOOOTALLY agree.. i want some MIST.. MIST ME MIST ME MIST ME

i'm based in Japan, and am watching this on a sunday night.
soo cool, pretty much every new movie sucks...

and this is one movie where Johnny Depp COULDN"T play any of the parts. haahaaha

go the MIST


mist looks boring. give me some "nuke" anyday...


Nukes good, but milk plus synthemesc is better for sharpening you up and makes you ready for a bit of the old ultraviolence.

grrr arg h4x0r 7Eh pl4NE7



Nukes good, but milk plus synthemesc is better for sharpening you up and makes you ready for a bit of the old ultraviolence.

Right, right! It makes all the little hairs on my plop stand endwise.


I can hook you up with some Mist...with Rope.

If you've heard of it, it's already too mainstream for me.


Mist makes you sterile. Plus the effects seem comparable to downing two forty ounces of Old English. Also. . .IT MAKES YOU STERILE.
