You can now buy this from and everywhere else, I suppose. I was annoyed that IMDB did not put this title on thier new dvd releases page. I sent them an email, but they ignored me.
I don't know why a bigger deal wasn't made out of's a great movie with what I consider John Candy's best performance, he's absolutely charming, as well as the rest of the cast. One of my few fave flicks from the 90's. I just happened to stumble across the release date at another forum...figures.
This is one of my favorite John Candy films. I guess it would also be one of my favorite Maureen O'Hara films as well. They had great chemistry in this film.
I wasn't even aware of this film until listening to the commentary with Chris Columbus and Macaulay Culkin on the Family Fun Edition of Home Alone on DVD.
I figured if CC did this between HA 1 and HA 2, and especially starring Candy, that this must be at the least pretty decent.