PG Rating?

This received a PG rating back in 1991 even with the F-bomb being dropped. I know it's a family movie, and one of my favorites, but even with Sal's (Bilushi) language and John Candy saying FU to his brother at the tux shop I would think this would be PG-13 at best. I'm no pride about language, but I'm '91 with this kind of language? I'm surprised it was given a PG.


Don't forget the locker room scene with the one naked guy. The thing is, we've become more prudish and conservative as a nation post-9/11. Many '70s, '80s, and '90s films wouldn't be made today, lest someone be offended.


The ratings system was way more relaxed back then. Tom Hanks' BIG (1988) was PG but used the word 'fuck'.


Only The Lonely was rated PG-13, not PG.
