What Is The...

"one false move and you're dead."

What is the one false move?

And who's is it?



It is deliberately ambiguous. If any of them make a "false move" at various points in the film they risked jail, and murder by some of their victims and even one another, at least in Ray and Lyla's case (from the sociopath Pluto).



Some good observations you make there, Guasti.

I agree that the title phrase is probably directed at all of them - the situation is so delicate that it risks exploding apart like a house of cards if there is one false move by any of 'em.

(Which is what happens anyway.)

It's similar to the more recent - and just as good - A History of Violence.



I don't think it's literally one single action, it's a collective idea that if one of the characters missteps(figuratively also), then it would be their demise. I suppose the literal wrong move comes at the conclusion when the bad guys go into the house, Hurricane gets stabbed, and the others get shot and killed. The movie is brilliant in depicted all of the characters' motives and points of view. Sooner or later a collision of their actions and desires will cause something destructive to happen. I don't know who's exact false move is in question, but like I said, I don't think the intention is to ponder one specific misstep. If any of the characters make a 'false move', then it could be their last. Does that make sense?

There is no night as deep as this
Inevitable mind's abyss
Where I now dwell with foes alone


Yes, indeed that makes sense and what I was trying to say in my last post.

The characters are in that situation and any of them could upset the apple-cart - which is what happens of course.

And like you, I really appreciate the film's depiction of the different character's motives, especially in a shorter-length film.



complete horsesh!t -- your ramblings made absolutely no sense

What the $%*& is a Chinese Downhill?!?


pbll your posts are complete horsesh!t & you're obviously the type to try to be mr. cool/funny guy with your lame, pathetic attempts to shoot down everyone's posts. You would never say those things to someone's face out of fear of catching a hot one! Whack sig by the way but I bet you think it's funny in your friendless existense (why else would you go to at least 2 other mess boards for this film & write idiotic things?)...prove me right & reply.


And it describes any dangerous situation, really.

The cop who is murdered made one false move, for example.

Begun the Clone War has.
