A Major Disappointment

I watched this film specifically because I think Thornton's work on Sling Blade (in writing, acting, and directing) was absolutely flawless, and I wanted more Thornton for my fix. Because this is touted as a genius thriller and some of his best work, I naturally went after this film.

I finished watching it a few hours ago and I must say, I was completely underwhelmed. This wasn't a good film, in my opinion. The acting was bland, certain scenes were just weird, lots of it seemed cliche, and worst of all, the ending was so very anti-climactic, even seeming rushed.

I don't understand why it's praised so much. BBT could have done so much better than this.


I agree with all your complaints, but I still enjoyed it. I think it has to do with the fact that I watched it without knowing much about it so there were no expectations it had to live up to


I agree with much of your assessment. i found the movie intriguing but bland in parts. The ending especially left me saying, "ok ... is that it"? The final scene had no real resolve. All you get is some dead people and FBI agents showing up after the fact. I'm not a fan of movies that leave you with nothing but a bunch of questions.
