Came across this movie quite by accident tonight...half-way through, unfortunately. One of the BEST movies I've seen in awhile: realistic, nasty bad guys, great acting, very good character development... this one has it all.
I don't think this movie is excriment in any form of the word. This film is an over achieving little gem that holds its own very well when compared to the big budget junk that hollywood was putting out at that time.
I definitly don't understand the pretentious remark. The film is not demanding social change through in indictment of our society as seen through the lens of a camera. It is a little story affecting a small core of people and doesn't try to be anything else.
The script didn't flow fluently but it isn't supposed to, this was Billy Bob Thornton's first film script. All of his scripts that followed were this way. They are messy but real, alot like Billy Bob Thornton himself.
As far as the acting goes, if it is so bad, why have so many people involved gone on to have success? Bill Paxton was the "Big Star" at the time the film was made and that was because he was Chet in Weird Science. Billy Bob Thornton was able to use this film to write Slingblade and A Family Thing. Michael Beach scored a part in the hottest TV show in the world when ER was started, and I don't think this film hurt.
I am not saying this film is the best film in the world but look at the film for what it is (and what is was supposed to be). A small independant film made for little money, with a small cast to be released direct to video. Now compare it to movies like Pearl Harbor, which film stands up better?
I was just amazed. What starts out as a simple 'Drug deal gone wrong, shootout violence', as the movie progresses, it realistically and frankly explores issues of racism, prejudice of big city cops against small town people. It really pains that it was a commercial disaster. Its an unnoticed but untarnished Gem. Whoever calls it pretentious and crap, please do read Ebert's review for better understanding. Interestingly, it belongs to same group of wonderful Small budget, small town brilliant movies like, Fargo, A Simple Plan. I even loved Kalifornia.
"This is what this war is all about. Cut them in half with a machine gun and offer a bandaid" - Martin Sheen in "Apocalypse Now"