I thought this movie was incredible. I liked the chemistry between Billy Bob Thornton and Michael Beach. Bill Paxton had a pretty good role in this too. I also thought the interracial relationship aspect really added to the movie and I thought Cynda Williams was beautiful. I wouldn't have minded frisking her in the kitchen if I was Bill Paxton. One False Move kept my interest the whole time.
You are right on Scarface. I first saw this in a film class believe it or not. Before the screening, everyone was kind of confused and laughing about what we were about to watch. About 20 minutes into everyone was memorized. Every scene advances the plot, the relationships are complex and Pluto was the Anton Chigurh of the 90's. I've watched every Carl Franklin movie I could since I saw this, but the real star here is Billy Bob and Top Epperson's screenplay. Simply stunning. It's a genre movie, but what genre? Exactly.
This is a good movie. I especially liked Cynda Williams. I thought she was perfect for her part. Plus I love chocolate women so yea...lol Plus Billy Bob Thornton makes a good criminal.
I also liked this movie because of the whole "criminals traveling across the country" storyline. It sortive reminds me of From Dusk Till Dawn with George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino except there's no vampires in this movie; which isn't a bad thing. I thought the vampires ruined From Dusk Till Dawn anyway. I know there's many other movies that involve criminals traveling across the country to avoid prosecution but Billy Bob's attitude in this movie kind of reminded me of George Clooney's attitude in From Dusk Till Dawn. I like this movie more than From Dusk Till Dawn.
Plus I liked how Lila had a heart in this movie, she told Bill Paxton that she loved him before the shootout at the house. I felt bad for her when she died.
Bill Paxton was so wonderful. He's capable of so many faces. His obsequious behavior around the two more sophisticated law officers was always dead-on to produce the desired effect. He can be hilarious, and sympathetic, and desperate, etc. etc. etc. But he always maintains a nice guy behind all the hillbillly routine. I think he stole the show's attention away from the bad guys towards the more jocular and amusing escapades that the good guy's made of their scenes. Although the opening violence was gripping and set the mood pretty damned good for the odysseys both antagonists are about to begin. This one makes you root for the good guys. Even if you're a convict yourself.