the funniest of all 3

if u ask me, i gotta say that this is the best of the 3. both me and my dad have seen all 3 sooooooooo many times and we both defenitely agree that the 2nd is the funniest, what is your fav?

"whats your prison number"
"its unlisted"


Yeah it definately is my fav out of the trilogy. The BEST gag ever put in a satirical movie is when Drebin tries to get the grappling hook on the roof but latches onto the dog's collar, and as he's pulling himself up, the dog gets pulled up on the other's so random and silly, I cry every time I watch it. Add the third hand (and fourth) of Jane, the electric toothbrush-hair dryer-pink towel fight between Savage and Drebin, and of course the ending when Hapsberg is falling to his death, only to be saved by the hotel canopy...he land on his feet, straightens his tie, then gets mauled by a lion.


Drebin: If you so much as sneeze, I'll be there to wipe your nose!

Hapsburg: And then, I'll have the pleasure of killing you myself!
Drebin: The pleasure is all mine.
*confused look on Hapsburg's face*

I loved all the bits of Drebin saying something really dumb, and seeing the expression on other people's faces.

Cop: Stop right there!
Crow (as man with gun): Its too late! I'm not there anymore!



It was the funniest...I loved the part when Drebin & Savage are fighting in Jane's bathroom. They both see Jane naked and Frank just leans with a quiet sigh on Savage's shoulder. That smile he gives out just cracks me up each time.


"He's tall 6'3, moustache"
"Thats a big Moustache"


I must admit this is the funniest out of all of them especially when Nordberg is putting his gun together and he ends up with this huge semi-tank. My favorite part was when the Frank and Jane were dancing on the dance floor and even though they were arguing, they were both doing the same things and end up putting on a show.

"Is this some kind of bust?"
"It's very impressive yes"

But there was one part that wasn't needed which was a little freaky when Frank made Savage blow up in the hallway with the hose. That was just plain scary, and a little disturbing. Other than that it was the best.


One of the best one liners would have to be:

"Mr. Drebin, do you gamble?"

"Every time I order out."




For me..the funniest part of 3 is when Jane leaves Frank. She goes into the bedroom and is out in a split second with packed bags and a new outfit, and a cab waiting outside.

In 2 the priceless moment is when Hapsburg calls Jane his little hellcat...the look on Frank's face is hilareous.

In 1...2 words..."Nice Beaver"


I love all three of them to death, but I rank them NG1, then NG3, then NG2. But they are all extremely close. They are all among my Top 10 favorite comedies of all time.

"Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?" -- Dave Mustaine, Megadeth



Agreed - best one. The IMDB rating is way to low for this movie, it's a classic.


I thought the best bit was one of the most simple bits - When OJ gets that little gun and keeps attaching bits till he's got a full Anti-Aircraft gun but still has the 9mm trigger to fire. That was brilliant!!!!



I liked the line when Frank says he's been reading the book on male sexual disfunction and then he goes something like "I'm sure you've read it" to Janes new boyfriend!


I found the part when Hapsburg's men were frisking Drebin and he kept saying "I love it!" hilarious!

And one bit often goes unnoticed, when Hapsburg is introducing his gang he also introduces a couple that has no relation to the story, the gang or any of the events in the movie, but are merely "weekend guests!"
