Missing scenes on the DVD

Why the *beep* is the DVD missing a bunch of scenes?

I've seen the movie a dozen times on TV amd VHS, but when I got the DVD a few years ago I noticed that several scenes were completely missing from the cut!

Off the top of my head, some of them are:

- Nordberg getting squirted with oil
- Frank snapping the Cuban Ambassador's cigar in half
- Frank and the goon throwing multiple guns at each other
- Frank stealing Hapsburg's gun and then getting it stolen back

What the hell happened here? Why did they cut some of the funniest bits in the movie? Is there going to be a re-release? Argh!

Take my advice. Watch "Stella". It's hysterical. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0443409/


According to one person, there were plans to release (atleast) the first film as a special edition at the end of last year, though nothing have been heard about the release so far. Since they have released the police squad series on DVD and there is a new release of the Airplane movie, there should be a good change of getting new releases of the Naked Gun movies on dvd. At this moment, we can only hope. I haven't seen the extended versions of the Naked Gun movies before, so I'm looking very forward those versions to be released on dvd.
