
The second one's on tv tonight so I was wondering if you had to see them in order for them to make sense or can I see the second one first. I heard from different sources and from here that they are all very funny.


i saw the second one before i saw the first one, and i understood it, but i would have understood it better probably if i saw the first one.....that way you can understand the history between frank and jane and such......but then again its a whole different story with different villans and different victims....kinda like the james bond movies



Not really. Of course, the second one does have in the beginning a reference to the first with the picture of Drebin on top of the Queen, but it is still funny just to look at even if you didn't see how it happened. By the way, on TV there may be added footage so don't be surprised if you rent the film and wonder where some stuff was.
