Please explain a joke to me...
Forgive me if I am refferring to something from the first Naked Gun, but there is a joke that I didn't get in one of these films. It is during a scene where Nordberg reveals to a dining room there is a bomb nearby and of course chaos ensues. During this there is a Waiter clutching a book 'To Serve Man' (I think) and he starts screaming 'It's a Cookbook! A Cookbook!'. Initially I thought it was funny imagining he often got questioned about his sexuality because of it, but I then heard that that wasn't the joke at all. Anyone care to explain?
Also, again I can't remember which Naked Gun this is from, but Frank and Jane go out on a date and while saying their goodbyes Jane says 'Well, how about a raincheck?" and Frank goes "...Well, maybe we should just stick to dinner". I assume there is some kind of sexual innuendo in that but tbh I don't know what a raincheck is.