I liked this movie

I enjoyed this movie when it came out and am surprised to see there's no discussion about it here. Guess it must be pretty unknown, lost among the blockbusters at the time from Demi and Bruce.


I liked it too. It was interesting to see Glenne Headly in a role so different from a lot of the ones I've seen her in.


I enjoyed it too. I saw it in the theater when it came out, and I saw it for the 2nd time the other night on TV. The things I remember most about it - why would a working girl like Joyce want to be with such a loser like Jimmy, Demi Moore's bad NJ accent, and when Cynthia's husband says to Joyce, "Joyce, for a minute there I thought you were Greta Garbo." When she shows up at their house with a scarf around her head in a trench coat. That line makes me laugh.


A gem of a flick. The only movie I think Demi's ever truly "acted" in. And Glenn Headley is excellent from beginning to end. I nice find.


I beg to differ. Granted, there were some great performances, esp. by Willis (nice to see him portraying a "baddie" for once). But the storyline was just waaaaay too slow for me. I got bored, plain and simple, and to no lesser degree, due to the fact that I guessed the ending at a pretty early point.


Yup, painfully slow aand predictable.. Keitel should be given more, flashbacks killed the movie, it was dead corny


Coz lifes too short to listen to Madlib


Loved it then, love it now!
It's ovah...
You think it's ovah?!

Professional Jayne Mansfield fanatic/lover™ since 1980.


I really enjoyed all the performances and the movie - the pace may seem slow but it's a murder/mystery flick.


A good one, everyone in it. Had a darkness, murder-mystery-ish-ness to it. Really good.


alot of memorable scenes but my favorite is where you see Joyce talking to Cynthia in the shop while she is getting James's things from the glass case and you can actually see her just go right over the deep end at that point. chilling.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...
