Bruce Willis was terrible in this movie-his take on this character was way off and over the top. Demi Moore with her pouty eyes, looking around ,making some of the most stupid decisions in movie history just to get this movie made because she had some creative input.
Not saying this was not interesting, the little twist at the end was good. Question-did she kill her own husband or did the other woman? I think she did because he was going to squeal on her.
The female bond between the two of these characters was unbelievable.
Still, if nothing is on and you are looking for some campy trash thriller this is the movie for you.
I was a little insulted by the badly acted Jersey stereotype but my mom assures me that this is actually how it was (1991 was the year I was born so I really wouldn't know). I thought that the actors did the best they could with shoddy dialogue.
And wat76 said this in another thread:
Okay, here is my take on the movie.
I believe both Joyce and Cynthia killed James (Jim). Cynthia in self defense and Joyce let him die in the van. She was ready to take him to the hospital and she asked Cynthia if he tried to have sex with her. Cynthia dodged the question and Joyce is like, "that son of a BI*&^%..." and she turns the van around to let him die. They both got rid of the body and the murder weapon. This is now a murder.
It is my belief Joyce fabricated this whole story (cover up for Cynthia) because she was just as guilty if not more guilty of his murder. If they just went to the hospital and explained what happened, got him help, then everything would be fine. James dug a whole for himself by being as a$$ (verbally and physically abusive) to Joyce in front of her family, her clients at the hair salon, he has a history of drug abuse, heck he was high that night. The self defense theory would have been believable. But no, after Joyce found out about the attempted rape, all bets were off. She has tried to kill him before and this was her chance.
It is my strong opinion Joyce killed Aurthur. Aurthur was implying Joyce was guilty and the two women had a fight outside, threatening to her family, her kids, Cynthia yells, "it's over." Joyce says something, "we will see when it's over..." During that visit, Joyce came to get Jimmy's gun and lied her in-laws were after her. She told Cynthia in an earlier scene while Joyce was in jail, "somebody's talking..." It was Aurthur talking. On the night Aurthur was murdered, Cynthia went to stay at her parents' home to avoid Joyce. Joyce calls Cynthia there and they get into again, how Aurthur always had it out for her and she asked if Cynthia will be home later and Cynthia says no. Now Joyce has motive, means (weapon) and opportunity and Joyce was confirming no one would be home. Joyce kills Aurthur because he was a blabber mouth.
Of course, these are only my observations. :)
I agree with this point but some people still think that Demi's chracter killed her husband. I hate ambiguous signatures that look like they could be part of the post.
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It is foreshadowed in the scene when Joyce came to get the gun. She points the bag at Arthur and says, "Be well, Arthur." Also, she tells Arthur that if he thinks he knows something he should tell the cops before she said goodby. So, she killed Arthur because she thinks that Arthur is talking and the fact that Cynthia betrayed her.
Jimmy's family was out to get her, I believe. But, Cynthia clinched it for her when she told Joyce that she had told Arthur what happened (Remember, Cynthia told Arthur that JOYCE killed Jimmy - although.....). Now Joyce had to kill Arthur not only out of paranoia, but out of spite (only because she was having a mental breakdown) more than the fact that he thought that Joyce killed Jimmy.
What I find interesting is that Cynthia would have gotten away with cutting Jimmy if they had gotten him to the hospital in time, but Joyces escalating thought process about him trying to "fck" Cynthia made her not get him to the hospital, so in theory, Joyce did kill him.
Hannah, you must not be from or near Jersey. If you were you might think the acting was excellent. Not knowing the way Jersey women talk, one would maybe question their acting ability because it IS kind of over the top, and that is not a bust on Jersey accents, because I LOVE the accent, and am even told often that I sound like I am from Jersey or Philly or New York. But anyway, really, Jersey gals over-enunciate and have kind of a upword then downward pitch on the last word of most sentances, particularly when asking a question. Pay attention to Glenne Headly when she asks Cookie if she "Swallowed a hand handgranade" or when Joyce asks Cynthia "Fever break?" to hear what I am trying to explain about the accent.
I should know, I grew up near Jersey and where I worked, I had daily interaction with Jersey gals. I think ALL of the actors did a great job, thought Demi's accent could have been stronger, like Glenne Headly. Glenne did such a great job, I actually thought she was from Jersey, until I checked her out here on IMDB. And Cookie, she was good too. She must be from Jersey.
And to Shelley, I was wondering if it was based on a true story, and am not surprised that it is. I am sure there is a lot in the movie that is quite different, but do you know how it ended in real life? I am wondering how "Cynthia" made out, being that she actually killed James, but in self defense. And how she lied during questioning. If thats true, I am guessing it affected her trial. I would really like to know the outcome for both women when they had their day in court.
I agree with Veggie1968 - Glenne Headly was amazingly convincing in this film - her entire vocal delivery (enunciation, pronunciation, emotion etc.) was perfect.
The only downside of this terrifc psychothriller was Bruce Willis's unlikable James Urbanski character moreso than his over-the-top acting! Some of the dialogue is laughable 20 years later. The Jersey accents were slightly uneven but the whole film was a tour-de-force of acting from Demi Moore, Glenn Headley and Harvey Keitel (who was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar in BUGSY, totally the wrong movie/performance...his accolades should have come from MORTAL THOUGHTS or his very similar role as the cop on the case in THELMA & LOUISE!). This is one of Demi's best roles ever, as she shared combustible on-screen chemistry with her three co-stars (the rape/murder flashbacks must have been extremely difficult for then husband/wife Willis & Moore to film!).
Bruce Willis' character, "Jimmy", seemed like a demonized David Addison, a la "Moonlighting". Not too surprising, though, since both the film and that television series were made during the same period. I thought the mystery was intriguing, but I agree with you about "campy trash thriller". My favorite part was the gathering of the families in Joyce's home, after Jimmy's body was found - it was a precursor to some of the disastrous family get-togethers, as seen on "The Sopranos". If tweaked, this film could have been a really good black comedy.
Also, the bond between the women was the strongest keys to the plot as a whole. Thats why it showed them as babies at the beginning and the endd they were like sisters literally. Its a rare thing but some women who grew up together are inseparable.