Underrated movie

I really like this movie - nice touches of humour, nice settings and story. It has the magical ingredients. Much underrated.

I definitely don't see why this is 'bad' as some claim. Good entertainment.


Coming from someone who considers the Matrix movies a work of genius, that's not surprising.


The matrix movies are a work of genius, you should have figured that out by now. Totally irrelevant of what I think of this movie ofcourse.


Oh they're not though are they? I mean the first one was good. The other two were painful.


I used to think that, when I was in high school. Now, since I've learned a thing or two about film, philosophy, and... well, life, I realize how inadequate is, particularly taken in the whole of the trilogy.

Granted, they were the first to utilize "bullet time" cinematogrpahy, which is esteemable. But there is nothing about The Matrix itself which isn't purely mastabatory camp.

But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. :)


Nope, masturbatory crap pretty much sums it up in its entirity. Has anyone played the old NES game for this movie?

That's the real question. I saw this movie when it came out -- I was 6, and I felt like I was its target audience. Works if you enjoy simple humor.

They can't all be Citizen Kane!
