Kit Kat and Anna

Are they having relationships or somethin'? I nothiced that Kit Kat flipped a card to Anna that had written "I always liked you"



She was working with the CIA and she spent time with the Candy Bars. Kit Kat would of thought she was nice from the time she spent with them. But, no, they didn't have a relationship going on.

If she did then:

1) She would not be following the rules of being a nun
2) She would be a two timing nun because she was what looked like flirting with Hudson.


Ditto to gmercer. Also, it may have been a simple plot device, considering right after/before he shows Anna the card he unties her from the chair she was being held captive in by the Mayflowers. The card therefore provides the reason for his freeing her.


Did the Pope knew about this....??? he must have...!anyways the Nuns are not usually as pretty as anna(andie)....
