Top 10 Most-Underated Films Of All Time
Okay, I admit, I haven't spent much time giving much thought to what movies belong on this list but I definitely think that this film has been criticised more so than most for the simple fact that this film is, by and large, flawless!
Flawless in the sense that I can watch this film year after year and still get the same entertainment value out of it I did following the first viewing (if not more). Granted, taste in film is subjective, so I'm sure other people would disagree about its repetitive viewability - but seriously, this is one damn good movie!
I was glad that it was released on DVD. I was a bit worried as it took them (studios/distributors) some time to release it onto LaserDisc (which I was one of the first to own a copy of!).
Okay, I'm rambling...this movie if you haven't seen it...shame on you! Go to your local dvd-store (when are they going to finally call them that?!) and rent a copy...or better yet...BUY IT! :)
~Your long-winded ...something.