Question about a lost boy
I saw Hook on tv a long time ago.
I thought I saw a lost boy then that I didn't see when watching it again a few years ago.
I know there are different editions or cuts of various movies, and so scenes in one version of a flim might not be in other ones.
I remembered seeing a lost boy who looked he could have been a drummer boy from the US Civil War of 1861-65, or possibly a more modern Civil War reenacter.
How either would get to Neverland would be a mystery, but how each of the lost boys got to Neverland is a mystery anyway. Maybe Peter Pan kidnapped each of them, maby they all fell through randomly appearing space-time portals, maybe they all died as children and were reincarnated in Neverland. Anyway, they all got there somehow.
I thought I got a good look at that boy's civil war uniform the first time I saw Hook, but the recent times I saw the film I didn't get a close look at it. I did see a couple of scenes with a boy with dark blue jacket and light blue pants seen at a distance, but not a good look, and of course there could be scenes where the same boy appears without the uniform jacket.
The uniform of United States soldiers in the Civil War consisted of a dark blue jacket, with edging in the branch colors in the dress uniforms, and light blue pants. The main branch colors were white or light blue for infantry, yellow for cavalry, and red for artillery. Soldiers sometimes wore banch insignia on their head gear, a circular buglehorn for infanty (which later became crossed rifles), crossed sabers for cavalry, and crossed cannons for artillery.
I remember seeing a close up of the boy with noncommissioned chevrons on the jacket sleeves, and of course it was very rare for boys that young to become non commissioned officers during the Civil War.
What bugged me was that the color of the chevron's wasn't white/light blue for infantry, or yellow for cavalry, or red for artillery, but looked orange, the color for the Ordnance Department, in charge of ammunition. And that seemed to contradict other indications of the branch on the jacket, so I thought that it was a badly designed costume.
But as I said, when I rewatched Hook a few years agoI didn't see any close up images of a lost boy wearing a uniform from the Civil war.
So were there different versins of Hook with diferent scens?
Has anyone else seen a lost boy wearing a Civil War uniform?