This film is nothing but a mob movie with Jews instead of DeNiro
On Homicide
It's a total mob movie. Now, I'm a Jew, but these are a bunch of *beep* up, manipulative Jews man. David Mamet talks about self-hating Jews? Yeah I'll say. They just corrupt the cop. They don't wanna use the cops, they wanna send a message. They give the "pussy broad" a place to make him feel like a man, they use a beautiful woman to get him to do it, then they blackmail, call in his marker, him to get him to do what they want no matter what it is. They're a mob, and just like Tony Soprano, it's okay because they're doin' it for a reason, to protect an ideal, to protect a culture, to pass on a tradition of honor.
But everybody knows Tony Soprano is a lunatic.
By 1965 there'll be total depravity. How squalid everything will be!share