The Director's Cut...still sucked

Yeah they can doctor up the special effects (not sure the blue grid is all that much of an improvement), they can add more footage (what this film needs is less, like maybe two and a half hours less), they can restore the vision they originally had. It still sucks. Highlander II: Immortals From Space Past Future is an irredeemable and abysmal film. I mean it does get so bad that it's funny. Climbing a ladder and somehow magically being above the blue grid that has been surrounding the Earth the entire film was hilarious. The fights were laughably bad. I was really hoping that when the trolly car ran over the immortal bad guy's head that it would become immortal. That would have been awesome. But sadly it decided not to be quite that crappy.

Seriously, nothing could save, restore, redeem, or fix this film. The sci fi plot is, in and of itself, incomprehensible and really dumb, added to that you have a really pointless environmentalist plot thrown in. Then there's this bad guy who's really lame and a blue grid that is somehow the source of everyone's misery and the whole thing is an absolute mess with some truly terrible acting. Then Sean Connery shows up and doesn't make it any better, in fact he gives the worst performance of his career. The one thing I really loved about checking out the director's cut was seeing some lost footage. Nothing is funnier than watching Christopher Lambert dangling from a wire in front of a blue screen saying "a dream can live forever in your heart." I thought I was going to piss myself. That was the funniest thing I have seen in quite some time. That's this movie really, so unbelievably bad that it's actually worth seeing just to mock.

But if you want a good Highlander film, don't listen to anyone who tells you the Director's Cut makes it better. It doesn't. At all. It's awful, has a series of incomprehensible plots that don't connect together and are all jumbled up, the acting is lousy and the whole thing just falls apart. Frankly I didn't like any of the Highlander movies that much. I loved the series but none of the movies really did it for me. I liked the first one alright. The other sequels are so-so. Nothing special. But this one is a true treasure of crap. Very few films reach this level of just utter abysmal crap. It's Battlefield Earth with just enough unintended humor to make it worth watching once.


they can add more footage (what this film needs is less, like maybe two and a half hours less_

So you want this film to somehow create time?
"Leave your stupid comments in your pocket!"


I loved the series but none of the movies really did it for me.

The series was terrible. Magical rocks and evil demons aside (and that's putting a lot aside!), the show had poor production value, lazy writing, no sense of direction from one season to the next, and a lame main character. The only thing it had going for it was a nice set of side characters who couldn't make up for the bland hero and "Steven Seagal flick" feel.

You're gonna need a bigger thread.
