The worst sequel ever?

In my opinion this has to be the worst sequel of all time.
As a kid i loved the first highlander and was very excited when this came out, so imagine my horror when i saw this rubbish.
I always thought that the first highlander was a film that could never have a sequel, the kurgen was killed, connor had the prize and it ended perfectly.
So what did they do they tore the story to shreads and turned everybody into goddam aliens when i thought he was connor macleod of the clan macleod. Total rubbish.


In my opinion this has to be the worst sequel of all time.
I agree. Worst sequel ever.


It is my personal favorite of the follow-ups. And it is the only one that follows the original without disclaiming H1's ending.

See the Special Edition. That is the best vision of what the director, producers, and special effects team wanted.

Most people let their full measure of life drip away. Like me.


I think you have this film mixed up with H3 as this pile of crap does not follow on from H1.


No, Highlander III was a piece of crap. I went to see a sequel and got a remake.

Most people let their full measure of life drip away. Like me.


No, Highlander III was a piece of crap.
But you call Highlander II a sequel? Highlander II was the most incoherent piece of vomit ever thrown on a screen.


Ever seen the director's cut?

Most people let their full measure of life drip away. Like me.


*beep* is still *beep* no matter how you package it. You could pour perfume over it and wrap it up nice and neat with a pretty bow and you still got a big turd on your hands...


Did you bother seeing the director's cut? No? Then stop whining.

Even trying to compare this to Highlander III: The Final Remake is an insult to the makers of the original 2 films (since they were the same people!).

Most people let their full measure of life drip away. Like me.


Well ... I think what he means is that H2 is the only followup that actually acknowledges that Connor won the Prize in H1, something they retcon in all the other movies and TV series. He has actually grown older because he's no longer immortal and has used his new intelligence to save the Earth by building the Shield. Of course this meant that for more fights, more immortals had to come from somewhere beyond the Earth. Although personally I would have preferred they either made no sequel or they had just had a new generation of immortals born between 1986 and 2030 and not had them be time-travelling aliens.

H3 may match the tone of H1 but c'mon ... the whole "You didn't really win the Prize when you killed the Kurgan" was a pretty lame explanation. Even though they comment that it's like 10 years later and Connor now looks like he's 40 when he's supposed to be frozen at 18 if he's still immortal. Even though they had to adopt a kid because Brenda couldn't get pregnant, yet Connor hasn't pieced together that he's still immortal and can't have kids. H3 was just about as crappy as H2.

Lunchbox III
The First 3rd-Generation IMDb Poster


Are you completely out of your mind? The best follow up my ass...The directer should be hung for single handedly destroying the whole storyline that made the first one work so well... Why was this movie made? One word -- GREED... There is no other explanation for it... Obviously the guy who wrote the screenplay knew nothing of the original or even cared... Sad ... The character could have benefitted so well if treated with respect but once again greed dictated the destruction of what could have been a lucrative franchise... The series tried with dignity to do it justice and was getting better with each season but unfortunately the damage was already done... The next few sequels were not much better but not any worse than this one.


Get your crap together. The screenplay was written by one of the writers on the original, it was directed by the director of the original, it was produced by the original producers, etc.

If you want to blame someone for what you saw in theatres, blame the insurance bonding company that stole the project away from the filmmakers. In the Renegade Version the creators of H2 were finally able to put out their cut.

And once again, it was made because of fan demand! The producers did not want to make a sequel! Nor did they want to explain where the immortals came from! Blame fans like yourself for pressuring them into creating Zeist!

Most people let their full measure of life drip away. Like me.


Please explain to me why Sean Connery came back to life after losing his head... or did you forget that one....


It was part of the agreement with Christopher Lambert--he wanted Connery back and so did everyone else.

Most people let their full measure of life drip away. Like me.


OMG!!!! you are absolutely correct.... I never noticed that before until now... But I still can't believe it.... The first one took the time to build up the mythology behind the character while the second one trashed it... It just doesn't make sense... One thing though --- I never asked for Ziest nor do I believe anyone else did ... The whole mystery of his immortality was best just left alone ... Some things need not be explained ... That is what ruined it for me in the sequel -- In the first he knew nothing of his immortality and had to be shown ... In the second he knew it all along {which left me scratching my head} I think the series did better by making the case for immortality as a gene that was triggered when they would die for the first time... I reserve judgement on the directer's cut but I still hold firm on the fact that the "Quickening" is by far the worst sequel of all time.



I will admit the theatrical cut may be the worst sequel of all time, but with the Renegade Version the director and producers finally got to work on it again, fix the editing, and film a new scene with Lambert to finish an important sequence. And the Special Edition took it one step further by allowing the original special effects guy to replace the shield effects that were never completed as planned with a new blue CGI shield.

By the way, you remember the sword fight that had Connor switching clothes and swords from room to room at the end of the movie? In the RV and SE, this is fixed: those were supposed to be 2 separate fights, one of which was to happen before Sean Connery arrived at Connor's apartment!

Most people let their full measure of life drip away. Like me.


Highlander 2 renegade version was the best highlander movie


I agree just killed the whole Highlander crack!

What's the deal with Immortals coming from another planet? WTF

It's a good movie but it was a sequal of a great movie, just runied it like!

PLUS, theres no continuinity between no 1 & 2, I thought McLeod won the prize? If he did then why is Katana still alive?


guess what? I was one of the unfotunate people who went to the cinema to watch this rubbish, as I had loved the original so much, big mistake. This film was made simply to cash in on the success of the first.




scoland is nice


So you would rather someone other than the makers of H1 to make H2?

Oh, and grow up. There is no need to post the same thing on every thread.

Most people let their full measure of life drip away. Like me.



I'd have to agree. I enjoyed the first film, but the second made absolutly NO sense. At all.

(BTW-Whenever someone writes HL1 or HL2, I keep thinking you're talking about Half-Life (A popular computer game and it's sequel :)))


I am assuming no one has seen Caddyshack II?


I prefer pretend that this movie never happen!

Sorry for my bad english!


I caught the first Highlander on regular TV.
I was so blown away by how incredibly cool it was. Of course, this was years after the original had its theatrical run and before the tv show. Then along comes news of this flick. So what's a Highlander fanatic to do?

Go see Highlander II, of course.

I sat there stunned as the credits rolled at the end going "What....the....frak...??"

In sum: H2 is one hot, steaming pile o' horse crap pressed onto celluloid film. Could it get any worse? ....Hey look, an ad for Highlander III...lets go check it out.....{cont.}


I would say that the worst sequel ever is Troll 2.

Jaws 3-D, if it counts, comes second.


my friend says this is the best film he's ever seen and it changed his life


As a standalone film HL2 was alright, but it ruins the first. It could have been a good film easily, it just didnt add up. I would give it a harsher review but i havnt seen the SE. Still though, 500 years ago on the planet Zeist? ramirez was born in 2000 bc. little plot holes like that made it the crap it is. HL3 is just a *beep* remake, and endgame isnt actually that bad if you dont count it as a sequel.


I just watched the third movie which until now i never relised the was a third movie, and it seems to me that it was kinda ment to be a remake for the the second one ie like a few ppeople have said that its like highlander 2 never existed. As for highlander 2 i agree with bobmorton its not that bad a movie if you look at it by itself but it just makes no sence and wreaks the first movie.



Okay, so I'll have to assume none of you have seen Highlander: The Source?
That, my friends, IS the worst sequel ever. Compared to it, Highlander II is Citizen Kane!

Remember the King!


Can't we just agree that all the Highlander sequels are pretty worthless. Wich one is worse is of less importance. They all suck.
I like that Highlander 2 tries a sci-fi approach. Unfortunately it fails miserably at it. It looks awful, and suddenly claiming Lambert into an alien is ludicrous, since anyone who has seen H1 knows he is not. It really is a worthless film in each and every aspect. It matters little whether it is worse or better than the other sequels.


The only movie I ever missed the end of as I left the cinema, I didn't even bother with H3 and the rest.... The Quickening didn't inspire faith...

No, I haven't seen the DC, if I need to have it explained to me again, it's time to give up, they were strangers in Highlander, pure and simple, the Hollywood machine wanted a sequel, and the best they could come up with was that they were aliens with amnesia?? Sheee-it....

Only a fool learns from his mistakes;
The wise man learns from the mistakes of others
