Bizarrely Enjoyable
As a Highlander sequel It has more in common with Blade Runner or The Crow than Highlander. The film’s content is laughable but on an eye candy level it delivers. Forget it’s a Highlander sequel and appreciate it for what is, a flawed, cheesy sci-fi flick with Michael Ironside running wild. You might like it…a bit…
To judge Highlander 2 see the RENEGADE version. DO NOT SEE THE QUICKENING version…AVOID IT LIKE THE PLAGUE!
A third version of Highlander 2 exists. This version contains some of the footage from the "Renegade Edition" although the sequence of events is more like the theatrical release. It also contains footage and dialogue not seen in either of the other versions. Note worthy differences include the following: While Katana is fighting the rebels on Zeist soldiers from both sides use machine guns. Connor and Louise leave earth for Zeist at the end of the movie. This version is the one commonly used for television broadcasts.