Red sky, Blue sky

I just watched the newer Special Edition version.
The new effects did all look better, but why change the shield color from red to blue? It looked somewhat pleasant in comparison, where in the original it was meant to be depressing and ugly.
What was the reason for the change?
Also, why take out the moment of shooting their way into the shield generator?


it was always meant to be blue. which explained why theres always a hint of a blue tint through out the film.

the red/orange puke looking color was done by the people that took over the film. neither the visual effects supervisor ,director, or producers had a say in the matter.

so they went about changing it to what they had envisioned all those years ago.

not sure why they took out that short sequence. always noticeable that its missing. though they do add other things into the film, so either its intentional or they just overlooked it.


They do say it was always meant to be blue, but that makes less sense to me. Of course it would still be sad for the natural sky to be covered with the blue shield, but it just doesn't seem as offensive, which is part of the story.

Also in the scene with Ramirez in Connor's apartment there is a globe of the Earth with a yellowy-orange shield around it that Ramirez smashes.
There's also, in the raw footage or extended/deleted scenes on the DVD, a scene from the around the same time where Ramirez is looking out the window and says the shield is yellow.
Can probably say that was an ad lib, but despite what they say I do think it was meant to be a redish or yellow color, just probably not as strong as it turned out.


it make sense to me that its blue because the natural sky looks blue. the depression of the people was that there was no sun. despite the color of the shield, it was always dark, so it was just like it being night 24/7.

in the script the Shield color was yellow, but the visual effects guy says they wanted it to be blue. if we assume the effects were done after filming, then yea the globe is there because of whats in the script. cause naturally the script is what came first in the process.

so as i understand when they had the 100s of visual effects of their choosing to tinker with, they all agreed on blue. in the featurette they go to show the different kinds of visuals they had. so to them it was a matter of what they thought looked best. so their final decision was blue. but like they stated, once the bond company took over, they got their own crew to edit the film.


That makes a lot more sense. It is odd how much they say it was always meant to be blue though when there was dialogue and props filmed where it was yellow.

Years of the blue shield would cause mass depression I'm sure, it just comes across better to me with the ugly, nauseating red shield.
That and the missing scene of them shooting their way into the shield generator makes the Renegade Version still my preferred version of the movie, which is a shame because the rest of the effects look so good in the Special Edition.

Just me though. I'm sure someone out there will prefer the theatrical version too.


well hardly anything in the script ever gets put on screen 100%. especially in the case of this film where there were constant re-writes. cause in the script im talking about is the very early conception, which still included the Kurgan.

im surprised so many people dispute things that the filmmakers say. i mean i always go by what the people making the movies say, not by what some fans believe.

yea though for me the film is depressing enough. the blue shield and new effects makes it tolerable. i mean the depressing future comes across still.

yea not too sure why they cut that scene. i would think it was taken out for pacing..but well the scene is an action scene.

yea seems theres a lot that prefer the theatrical cut or the european cut. which i think is masochistic. i mean its good to have it for the sake of being a completist but its not the version i revisit too often.


I really don't think what I was saying was an ignorant fan disputing what the filmmakers say without reason. When they were filming the movie the shield was yellow, it's in filmed dialogue and the model we still see in the movie. That's all.
So it wasn't meant to be blue the whole time, but from some time during filming perhaps that was their plan. I know quite a bit was rewritten after filming had begun.
Whoever ended up doing the effects of the red sky probably went from notes in an early draft and exaggerated it even moreso when no one was there to instruct otherwise.

Despite all the problems with any version of the movie, I still quite like it, or large parts of it at least.


not saying you were but it never fails when i say so and so said in the featurette/commentary. and no one believes the word of that crew member. its like..youd think the word of the fella at the helm of the effects would be good enough. like why would he lie?

yea its in the original script, but like i said, a lot of what was in it was removed and rewritten. theres no spaceships, no Kurgan, no yellow shield.

So it wasn't meant to be blue the whole time, but from some time during filming perhaps that was their plan.

well the writer has one thing in mind, while the director has his vision of what its all meant to be, and then you have the visual effects guy who says THIS IS WHAT WE CAN DO. so i wouldnt really hold whats on the script to being what is meant to be on screen. even moreso because in this case the film was taken away from them and someone else made the decisions as to whats gonna be what and what order the scenes will be in.



It fits better with the cinematography and art direction.


The color-timing is all over the place for the Special Edition. Sometimes the colors look natural like Batman Returns only to switch to crushed blacks or a modern bleached bypass look.

Listen, do you smell something? -Ray Stantz
