Questions for you good people

This documentary film is fantastic. What other documentary films are there about films. I've seen the one about the Boondock Saints but I also remember seeing the box of one about a film that never got made. It had well known actors and I think it was ruined by a flood?

Also....does anyone know what Harvey Keitel thinks of Coppola and if there is any existing footage of his casting and scrapped scenes? far as epic productions go how does this compare to other singular films regarding time spent on location?

))<>(( forever



The documentary about a film being ruined by a flood I was trying to remember was 'Lost in La Mancha'. The origional film starred Johnny Depp and was directed by Terry Gilliam.



Thanks alot! I've seen Wrath of God. I'm yet to see Fitzcarraldo but when I do I'll look up the documentary. Cheers

))<>(( forever
