DVD Review
"Hearts of Darkness comes to DVD
Apocalypse Now was one of the most troubled productions in the history of film and the making of the film was chronicled in the documentary Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse. The documentary has been missing from DVD for years, but finally arrives in November from Paramount Home Entertainment.
The documentary is presented in it's fullscreen transfer as well as an audio commentary with Eleanor and Francis Ford Coppola and the short documentary follow-up <.i>Coda: Thirty Years Later with an introduction by Eleanor.
This will be on of the last laserdiscs in my collection to finally get to DVD. The disc arrives on November 20th for $24.98.
Great news. My vhs copy is on it's last leg.
"...I'm the biggest female star he's got! Ever had! And he's burying me alive."