
Intense debate ignited on Nightline when this movie was first released. Political pundits were outraged - the audacity portraying Americans as the “bad guys”. Not only were they incensed over the “WW II scene” when the dinosaur-godzilla thing rescued Japanese soldiers from defeat by the Americans, but that the “evil” space/future people looked “American”. And yes, the discussion led to talk about possible “war”.

We can all be thankful that this situation did not spiral out of control.

Much of Madness, More of Sin.


I actually have an original news story from 1991 about this "controversy" on videotape. If there was interest, I could always post it on Youtube or something.



I am curious. Did you videotape this yourself way back then? I often see something on the tube and think later that it would have been neat to have recorded it. But I usually do not think of it until "after the fact".

Much of Madness, More of Sin.


Yes, if I remember correctly there was a short promo announcing that a Godzilla-related story was coming up next on the news so I just grabbed a VHS tape and waited. I was quite the Godzilla-loving nerd back in the day.


That would have been so funny, but really interesting too. Please post it on YouTube if you can.

"Your views are as narrow as your tie."
- Bernard Herrmann



Post it up!, that would be fantastic to see!

Custer had it coming, Cortes will get it soon.


I'm with the other two. Posting that on youtube would be awesome!
