MovieChat Forums > Gojira vs. Kingu Gidorâ (1991) Discussion > This movie is jap Prapaganda, Clear and ...

This movie is jap Prapaganda, Clear and simple!

The whole Story is that Japan will be the Economic super power from the world!? I have heard some Pro-American *beep* in my time but come on not even the Crack head Hollywood producers make that kind of crap. This movie may have been a little good if it did not pin the blame of Godzilla on the U.S., and what about that ww2 Battle WTF WAS THAT!? The Godzilla kills the evil yankee dogs and save the gratful Japenese??? The Writer is a obvious anti-American and the Japenese are in a dream world that they did not lose ww2?! Any one else see this?



It showed Godzilla killing Americans but not Japenese. I think thats enough said.

"Children in the backseat cause accidents, Accidents in the backseat cause children" -anglo-dan




I think you will have a better understanding. The film was made when Chrystler president, Lee Iacocca was criticizing Japanese auto makers trading practices and blamed them for the US automakers troubles.

"This movie may have been a little good if it did not pin the blame of Godzilla on the U.S."

The movie does not blame the creation of Godzilla on the U.S., it blames it on the use of nuclear weapons. This was made quite clear in the original Godzilla film, even though the version I saw is the severly butchered American version which ommits much of this commentary. America just so happend to be the first country to use nukes, but that does not make the film anti-American. Instead it is an ant-war/anti-nuke film. You could maybe call it anti-U.S. military, but not simply anti-American.

As for the WWII part, I think it is pretty easy to understand. Obviously the Americans were the ones attacking the island while the Japanese were defending it at that time. Naturally the dinosaur attacked the army who was destroying the island. Now if the Japanese where actually shown winning the battle I would agree with your critism. However they are not, they were only saved and still lost the war.

"The Writer is a obvious anti-American and the Japenese are in a dream world that they did not lose ww2?!"

That is a very untrue statement. You do realize that the current Japanese goverment is the one who wishes to remain pacifist, and the U.S. wants them to send troops to countries like Iraq etc. Hell I think America wants Japan to regain their military powers more than Japan does herself!

Second of all if you know anything about Japanese cinema you will find that most Japanese war films (Just like German, Italian, Finnish, films) are actually antiwar. If Japan wanted to "finish the war" then I doubt they would be such a poster child for world peace. Ever been to Hiroshima, Nagasaki?

"Stupid friends are dangerous"


There is still the part in the movie where Japan becomes the most powerful nation on earth and white American types from the future try and stop that. Don't you think that adds a little suspicion to a already Suspicious movie?


The film only says that Japan will become the fore most economic power not the most powerful country on earth. Again as I told you the whole thing is a satire on what was happening at the time with Lee Iacocca. Why you are taking this so seriously is beyond me.

"Stupid friends are dangerous"



I guess anglo-dan never exactly watched this movie because it wasn't about Japan vs. America ideals.

It was about future people that wanted to teach future Japan a lesson. Just because they looked like "white American types" they basically never declared much then the core issue of being part of the anti-Japan movement.

No where did anyone declare paraphasing we of America are doing this to Japan.

Jesus Christ is DEAD, move on.


It wasn't trying to make the Japanese look like they were good and the Americans were bad. It showed them both as men just stuck in war. Like on the ship, one American talks about the other's future son, doesn't seem too evil to me. Also, the Americans were the ones who fired on the dinosaur, so thats why he attacked them and not the Japanese.


actually the film completely dodged the whole "who was the bad guy" question and just showed them as opposing sides and nothing are right when you say that other guy shouldn't take it so seriously...particularly since it's a Godzilla film....his looking abit much into a film about giant monsters beating eachother up


If you watch, it is shown as the American soldiers just kind of being in the dinosaur's way as opposed to the dinosaur specifically seeking them out instead of the Japanese. When it came out of the jungle, the US soldiers were directly in front of it and the Japanese soldiers were to its side. The Americans then fired on the dinosaur and the Japanese did not.

Even so, the nationalistic sentiments are all too apparent. The film was done in a time in which there was a stand off between the American economy and the Japanese economy. Likewise, the film featured a future in which the Japanese economy had surpassed all others and Japan had become the world's largest superpower. It also depicts Caucasians (presumably Americans) going back in time and sending a monster to wreck Japan's economy and stop it from becoming the world leader. It's pretty obvious what they were saying in this film.


well wouldn't you be scared a a dinosaur....I mean they are giant meat eaters....and it was America trying to stop Japan but the united countries who now all opperate as one except Japan and because Mega power Japan is ruining the planet.....but what they did was even more evil.


Japan bought up nations to become the greatest economic power in the world. Japanses soldiers saluted the Godzillasaurus. Etc. Things like this make it disgustingly nationalistic, satire or not.


"There is still the part in the movie where Japan becomes the most powerful nation on earth and white American types from the future try and stop that. Don't you think that adds a little suspicion to a already Suspicious movie? "

Actually, though it's not clear because of the dub (which I assume you have seen), you can tell from physical characteristics and names, and other details, that they aren't all white Americans. It's an Amercican, a Russian and a Japanese woman. Now, in 1990 when production began on the film, the crash of the USSR that happened shortly afterwards wasn't something anyone was really expecting. Because of the way a country with state-controlled prices can control internal exchange rates, the finances of the USSR were very confusing and very deceptive. It seemed clear to anyone that the USSR and the USA would be the most powerful nations around for a long time. Indeed, the USA still IS the most powerful nation around and Russia's economic growth, standard of living increase and the rate at which it recovered from the fall of the USSR put it not impossibly far behind this.

Now then. In the future, time travel gets invented [in the film]. Who is gonna have it? Bangladesh? Jamaica? Lovely countries they may be, but economic and scientific growth and discovery are not their fortes. No, the most developed and wealthy nations in the world will be the ones to invent time travel in this movie's chronology.

And the Japanese lady? She's there to
* Convince people it's NOT an anti-superpower film speaking out against the USSR/USA
* Because in the future, the claim is that Japan will be the third major power in the world alongside USSR and USA
* Other than a small crash in the mid-late 1990s, Japan's economic growth continues to exceed expectations; it is very likely they will be more influential in 50 years time than they are now, though how much that will be remains to be seen

The Japanese soldiers were fighting for their country and for survival. To celebrate this does not imply the Japanese cause for war was wrong; many soldiers accross cultures respect each other, even in wartime, as men doing what they can for their country...the movie never justifies the Japanese government's plans to go to war.


Actually, Japan is in the second decade of their "lost decade" of economic stagnancy


So, if Godzilla had only attacked the Japanese and not the quasi-Americans...I doubt you would complaining. Maybe you didn't mean to, but you REALLY sound like an imperialist with your comment.

Think about it, the US killed thousands of Japanese citizens in WW2, people who had nothing to do with the war launched by their government. It was wrong, just like the disgusting tragedy of 9/11 was wrong.

Or are you one of those who believe the only life that has value is American life?


ANGLO-Dan? JAP propaganda?

Are you a white supremacist?


Er... wasn't the Japanese depicted as the bad guys? I don't mean any of the main characters. It's just that I always saw such superpowers as evil, given the apparent wish to control the world. Much like the Galactic Empire in Star Wars.

But, this is all without having examined the background of the writers or history around the time the movie was released.

"Put a warm rug in the car. It's cold outside when you have to go about naked." - The Invisible Man


First off-this is a Godzilla movie! Not

(by along shot)-and not to be taken seriously (so lighten up).
Secondly, the term "Jap" went out with the forties (btw: check out the racist american propaganda cartoons and movies from that golden era).
Seems to me, the whole point was to explain why Godzilla became a hero, saving Japan from all those other monsters in those "Vs" movies back in the 60"s (excepting good ol' Mothra). I think the "enemy" here is corporate interest (which in this case American) and economic paranoia. Then throw in androids and GMOs. The "fact" is the good ol' USA shot the Godzillasaur and made Godzilla with its nuclear weapons, so some of us make logical sci fi baddies, especially in our own movies.
I doubt anyone with any slight amount of brain matter would seriously take a Godzilla movie seriously enough to be propagandized by it.
"History shows again and again, how nature points out the folly of men- Go, Go, Godzilla"-B.O.C.
