that cup of coffee

in thandiwe's letter to danny at the end of the movie, she mentions how she's changed and looks forward to the day they can sit down over a cup of coffee...
do you think they ever had that cup of coffee, etc.?




i think they should make a sequel too. and then it'll be a trilogy ("the year my voice broke" being the prequel to flirting) enough time has passed for them to be old enough to convincingly play late 20 to 30 somethings. i'd be quite interesting in that sequel.

danny would be running his dad's pub, or maybe his connection with thandiwe will have led him to some sort of political career.

hmmm, what would thandiwe be doing with her life after all this time?



I just wanted to point out that the film was supposed to be part of a trilogy that was never completed. I ran into a book on Australian filmmakers called SECOND TAKE. In it, Duigan gets to discuss what the other film would have been and why he never made it.
...It's a good book, by the way. And Duigan really comes off as a bright guy.


really? that's so interesting. my library doesn't have the book. do you happen to remeber what the third part was supposed to be about and why it didn't get made?


