I wondered that, too.
I saw the movie on the television once and fell in love with the movie, so I decided to buy it. I went to a movie store that sold a lot of the older movies. I went into the sections, looking for it like crazy. I didn't know the exact name of the movie (all I remembered was that it started with an 'F'), but figured it would have the stars on the front of it, so I'd know it when I saw it. I passed by the movie at least three times before I went to the front to ask if they even had it in stock. The guy takes me to the movie and I'm looking at it, then him, because I'm like, why is Nicole Kidman on the front? She was in the movie like a total of 15 minutes, maybe a bit longer. He said he had no idea why, but she was a little famous at the time, so maybe that was why.
I hate when they pick one actor (who is big, now) out of an old movie and put them on the front cover (or instead of a good description of the movie, they gush about this one star who's in it) and most of the time, they are in small supporting roles or barely in it at all.