MovieChat Forums > Dying Young (1991) Discussion > wow... people get old!

wow... people get old!

ok, I'm young and I think sometimes I don't remember that is a fact.
I'm saying this because when I watched this movie, I kind of felt in love with Victor. The guy was hot,gorgeous and so lovely and needy, that he made me want to watch it again and again. So when I came to IMDB do see how the actor was doing, I was shocked. He wasn't that young anymore. In fact, I think he is my father's age! WEEEW! I know it's been almost 20 years, but still..! I wasn't ready for that!! (and I didn't notice that much of a difference with Julia Roberts).
I just wish some things would remain the same, don't you?


honey someday you will be the same age... trust me.. i am 29, and you won't even believe how fast life goes.. I probably said the same thing you did... just remember everyone gets older.. how old are you, 20? In 8 years you will have a different view on life.


Campbell hasn't aged well. I saw him in "The Pilot's Wife" about a decade after "Dying Young" and he was heavier but still gorgeous. After that he sorta went downhill in the looks department.


Gosh, I think he has aged wonderfully. I remember seeing this film when it came out, and I thought he was so beautiful - it was the first time I had ever even heard of Campbell Scott. I've followed his career since, and honestly I think he looks terrific now too. He has a lot of female fans of his character in Royal Pains (myself included!)


I'm with you, I don't think he's aged badly. I think there were a few years of him transitioning from absolute hottie to gray fox where he lost a little bit of the boyish charm that was evident in Dying Young and Singles, but he still remained very attractive. Campbell Scott is a big reason I watch Royal Pains.

I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.


But things never remain the same. Looking back over my younger years, I can't believe I took so much s*** from people. Now I'm meaner than a junkyard dog!

Campbell Scott was such a good-looking man (he is also the son of the late George C. Scott and Colleen Dewhurst. His mother had a small role in Dying Young). He has aged very badly and gained a lot of weight. His career never really took off.


Ha! I forgot I wrote that post 😲
It's funny you say that you are meaner now. As a matter of fact, I became so much softer. I just read my own post and I felt deeply embarrassed for having said that, honestly. What if the actor actually read this? It's not nice! And why does the industry make us care so much about looks? People don't age well in real life, so why should we actually expect actors (who are also real people) remain the same with time? (Yes, I'm writing against my 2010 self). I'm really surprised nobody actually insulted me for being that mean. I've embraced the moto "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". I wouldn't have written that if it was today 😔
