Why is this film so underated?!!
I never understood it.I am a HUGE John Hughes fan,I have all the films he wrote and directed on dvd."Dutch" happens to be my second fav hughes film just after "the breakfast club" and when I tell my freinds about it they allways go "whats that?...".The film was just murdered by critics and was a flop when it was release in the winter of 91,I was only 9 back then when I saw it in the cinema and I fell in love with it even if I didnt get the message of the film as much as I do now as an adult. The film as great acting ,great early 90s background that would put anyone in their late 20s in a nostalgic mood ,the chemistry going on between Ed O Neil and young Ethan is just really good , You forget Ethan is a kid in that film , its like his the same age as O Neil when it comes to his performance.Of course there are a couple of surreal moments but all Hughes related movies has.And the all message of the movie was so original,Hughes decided this time to create a very unlikeable character and show us what made him tick and in the process make us like him,make us realise that we should not hate a spoiled rotten child because most of the time the parents are to blame and we should help them before its too late and they grow into adults.Geez Im rambling on..I just never understood why this movie is so underated.Thanks to anchor bay for giving us a dvd of this film,they often release movies that fell under the radar,I am gratefull to them because I am sure this movie would have never come out on dvd if it wasnt for them.