they couldn't come up with a diffrent title?
I hadn't seen this movie since i was a kid, and i didn't think i would like it at all, but you know, i woke up, it was on, so i checked it out, and this is hilarius, man, i think i might even like it more then when i first saw it. it isn't 100% funny, but some pieces are really laughable. but what kind of american title does it have, they titled it after one of the main characters first name? he isn't "indiana jones", "shaft" or "rocky" or something, i mean, was that supose to catch on?
the mask will be removed,
then you've fooled nobody but you,
you can play with an ace up your sleeve,
put on a poker face that some will believe,
but one day, you're gonna lose the mask,
and you're gonna come off looking like an ass,
wake up and see it clear,
you're gonna fall off the chair,
you better play it straight,
change your dirty ways before its too late,
'you're gonna lose your high ace,
once that mask gets removed from your face,
you're gonna feel the lash,
if you go throw life a backstabbing trash,
sneaking and lying, you foul playing,
you're gonna end up crying, and high paying,
you're all out of luck,
you're gonna pay up,
nomather how secret, how dark you hide,
you're being checked on, all the time,
you better play it straight, masked cat,
becouse you're gonna lose the mask.