The ending gets to me!

The part where Fred said that Lizzy no longer needs him was pretty emotional. He finally got to hang out with Lizzy after 21 years of imprisonment and his work was done. Lizzy then dumps Charles and visits her mother, telling her that she needs to get a friend. In the final scene, we see Fred with a new little girl and Lizzy just smiles, knowing that Fred is now with another child. I like how this film is mostly laugh out loud funny but then you have some emotional moments like in the dream sequence towards the end of the film.


I agree, very emotional moment in the film. Criminally underrated film imo.


That whole good bye scene makes me bloody WEEP! Fred's face...he has probably not often stayed with kids right through until their adults so his relationship with Lizzy is different and layered, it almost borders on romantic when they kiss and say goodbye, it's so sad and such an interesting film to delve into. Very underrated.


Yes, it is an amazing film which is actually a comedy and drama at the same time. Many people can identify with it and with Lizzie's life. The movie has a soul and is not just some standard wacky comedy. It has so many fans after all these years for various reasons, with many considering it their favorite film of all-time! :-)


OK, so it's "transferring" toys instead of Drop Dead Fred - but the idea is the same, a new young kid gets the stuff!


the ending ALWAYS had me in tears... I used to watch the reruns in this Japanese channel called Wowow or maybe it was HBO... i cant remember which, it was 20 years ago. I start welling up when they say kiss good bye and hug after Lizzie found herself as a child and frees herself from bondage. Watched it today and I STILL cried.


Yup, I cry every time.
