This movie was awesome

I was only about 10 years old when this came out, which is probably why I loved it so much. Sure, the acting is weak and the plot is ridiculous, but this movie is badass. Although it came out in 1991, it has the feel of an 80s martial arts movie.



I completely agree.

One of the best Action/MA films I've seen.


I agree this movie rocks!

Van Dammage



I thought the acting was fine and the plot was decent. I liked the conflict between the brothers. But yeah this is the best Van Dam movie hands down (I remember seeing this when I was like 5-6). They don't make movies like this anymore (instead replaced by crappy remakes of movies and other high-tech junk). RAPID FIRE!


absolutely, this movie is a relic from the golden age of action films.


Hehe, the characters are really likeable, even the baddies, and I think it's possibly Van Damme's best job for acting, if not for the action so much.


I saw this one a million times, when I was younger.


Seeing this movie in theaters back in the day was cool. Movies nowadays don't have the same level of realistic violence. Too much CGI. Back in VanDammage days necks were broken and kicks were done without wire. Plus all villians got the deaths they deserved.

One shall stand, one shall fall.


I'm just watching it for the first time on Hulu, and I'm really impressed with how completely different the two brothers are, not just the hairstyles & clothes, but their voices, the way they carry themselves and all their little mannerisms.
That's very tough to do!
This is probably the best dual-role performance I've seen!


I also like it. A very solid and well directed Action Flick. Don't understand the low rating at IMDB. I'm afraid most of the raters have only seen the crappy TV Version and never watched a Jean-Claude Van Damme uncut on a big screen.

"Well, nobody's perfect."
