Most disturbing scene.
The opening scene involving the murder of the parents was just plain sickening and needlessly brutal. The scene didn't have to be so brutal and graphic for viewers to appreciate the twins' vengeance towards the baddies. They were only infants and as such wouldn't recall 25 years later just how mercilessly their parents were slaughtered at the hands of the cartel. The mother's death, in particular, was appalling. Combine this with the wailing noises of the twins and the innocent Chinese maid in jeopardy. This makes for one of the most disturbing scenes in film history. Even more so than Murphy's execution in Robocop, for it involves many innocent people, including kids, on the verge of death and destruction. I wonder why nobody mentions this scene for its sheer brutality. Even the notorious Sam Peckinpah was "constitutionally unable to show in child in jeopardy." What goes on in the minds of these film-makers? This entire scene mars what could've been a pretty entertaining action flick. But you kids are all pretty desensitized, eh? All you bozos dominating these web sites.