MovieChat Forums > Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead (1991) Discussion > If this had been called THE REAL WORLD I...

If this had been called THE REAL WORLD I wouldn't have seen it

Originally the script was called 'The Real World' and was more focused on Sue Ellen's job.

I tell you what, if that had been the tittle, and 11 year old me wouldn't have seen it when it came out at the movies in 1991.

Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead grabs your attention, much as TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES did.

If this had been called THE REAL WORLD, it would have been released and sunk and no-one would ever remember it.

The title made the movie, and I'm glad that serious re-writes were done to expand on the family narrative and not make this another '9 to 5' working girl flick




babysitter's dead has that edge to it.
