MovieChat Forums > Dogfight (1991) Discussion > My only problem with this movie was...

My only problem with this movie was...

...the idea that all of it could have happened in one night. I could have bought the idea of Rose forgiving Birdlace over a couple of weeks or even days, but it just strained belief to think she would have forgiven him in a couple of hours to the point of being willing to sleep with him.

If you can ignore the unlikelihood of Rose getting over such a spectacularly cruel and immature thing as being one of the unwitting entrants in the "dogfight," this is a very sweet and touching movie. Frankly, as far as I'm concerned, Birdlace and Rose did get to know each other over a week and not just an evening.

And while Lili Taylor will never be considered a classic beauty queen, I find her very appealing and cute and I could never ever see how anyone would consider her as anything other than bewitching and enticing.


I'm really liking you mask.

I see your point about the speed but that was the story I suppose even though it's pretty hard to believe!! I'd literally kill anyone who treated me like that but I wouldn't have been so stupid not to have seen it, but again, there'd be no film if she had hehe !!

I'm afraid I did think Lili looked hideous in this, it's only seeing her off-screen that I realised how attractive she is.

The thing that has stuck with me, (this is first film I discovered Lili in as I was a fanatical Phoenix fan), was how great an actress she was & how incredibly brave she was to take a role like that, (relating to your other post, I wished she'd take less roles of looking plain, when she's not).

For me, this is her film because Phoenix seemed soo uncomfortable it felt uneven but it's still one of favourites.


I looked at the film again, and I don't think she looked hideous. I think she looked like an actress wearing a "fat suit." I remember reading that she tried to gain weight for the part but couldn't do it (which I think is actually a good thing). I think it would have been smart to maybe just pad out her clothing a little bit and have her wear baggy stuff...after seeing her in so many other roles, I know that she's probably never been anything close to fat and probably never will be.


The speed makes the film more dreamlike and intense.

You've got these two people going through joy, sadness, drama all within a night.
