Subway Between Lives

what i'm about to say is entirely true, and having just seen this movie for the first time I was reminded of this dream I had many years ago. I dreamt that I was on a subway train between lives. In the dream, I was lucid, completely aware of my surroundings. I was awake, can't stress that enough. And i knew that I had died. I couldn't believe that I'd died on one hand, and on the other hand was completely at peace with it in a no regrets, no point looking back sort of way.

there seemed to be some familiar faces there, but mainly people i didn't recognize. Eventually I got off the train at a a stop with everyone else. It was like a giant cafeteria, that's all I can remember about it. It seemed to be the mid point of the journey. That's when I realized I was with one of my close friends from life. He is the person that I had laughed the most with, so in retrospect nowI can see why i would have subconsciously chosen this travel partner/ spirit guide based on what i value in life (humor). but anyways, i got off, hung around for a while but i'm not sure what happened. But i knew that once I got back on the train, where it was headed. I was certain of that. I didn't have any questions or anything. Like those things you think of during life that you wish you could know the answer to (mystical metaphysical questions). None of those even came to mind in this state I was in, everything was so matter of fact (kind of like in dream). But this was a dream unlike any other. and it sticks with me to this day, and i was struck by some of the similarities to this film.

When i woke up I couldn't believe I was still alive and that it had only been a dream. It felt so real, that i deep inside wondered if it was a memory of some sort expressing itself. I should also say now that I was not a firm subscriber to any reincarnation theories. but the dream certainly made me more aware of the vast possibilities that exist within reality. it's a big conscious place from which all consciousness is derived, and it's all interconnected. every bit.
