MovieChat Forums > The Dark Backward (1993) Discussion > just saw it for the first time...

just saw it for the first time...

...and i loved it. i watched it with one friend who highly reccomended it to me, and six or so others who all HATED it. i can understand why some may not enjoy the film, as it is quite hard to digest (figuratively and literally), but i loved it. can't wait for the dvd.


i am sorry. i am so very sorry. no-one alive should be exposed to this horrible abomination. if only every copy could be destroyed, safely, without exposeing anyone else to the horrors of this "film".

i am so sorry. i send my condolences to your parrents, who obviously must be grieveing at this time. that this horrid thing that dares refer to itself as a movie has infected your mind... i am sorry. but perhaps there is hope. perhaps with time your mind will heal, and free itself of the poision that obvious has hold of it, for you to like this movie.

may you get well soon.


Yes. Dear god, this movie is absolutely deplorable. Who knows how better my life would be right now had my young mind not been exposed to this rubbish on that fateful summer night at 3:45am, alone in my room and vulnerable at the age fourteen in 1993.
P.S. - I'm watching the tape again. God help me!


I love this movie... very funny, surreal, wonderfully weird. I didn't realize it had been released on DVD, and in a special edition no less. I'll have to order a copy right quick!
