Goddess of Democracy (?) scene

When I saw this film not long after the Tiannamen massacre - one scene in particular struck me where wife number 3 is carrying a torch or a lantern in one hand and a book in the other while the camera circles around her. It was to me a daring reference to the Goddess of Democracy statue (based on the Statue of Liberty) erected in Tiannamen during the protests. At the time I wondered how the censors could have missed it - but reading the comments here I find that they might not have missed it as the film was banned in China.

The funny thing is that I have never seen mention of this scene anywhere. Did anyone else see the connection or is was it all in my imagination...?


I didn't notice this but I wouldn't be at all surprised. I gather Zhang Yimou has upset the Chinese authorities several times with things in his films. It's also been suggested that the ending of Hero was done as some sort of peace offering to them, although I obviously have no idea if that's true.


What scene are you talking abotu I just watched the movie and have no idea what you are refering to?


Yup that's right. I just watched in film class and there were some many symbolic allegories. Like the Mistress 1 and 2 were the old regime. #3 the opera singer represented Art and Music. and Gong Li's character represented students (since she was the only one that was educated)

You notice when Mistress #3 gets killed Gong Li screams "murderers" not "murderer" she (or the director) is making a commentary that everyone is involved.

The master, who face is never shown, represents the repressive Chinese government at that time (or maybe even now)

Moral of the story =Don't be educated or else you be responsible for the deaths of 2 innocent women. Well not really but it's more a commentary on the patriarcal (sp) society and repressive governments and tradition that force a life of misery.

Just my $.02

I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy.
