Critters 5 News
Critters 5 could be possible. In Critters 4 there were more eggs than what that kid (forgot his name) destroyed. So maybe after the station blew up, one egg survived and floated into space. Good idea or bad idea and why?
shareCritters 5 could be possible. In Critters 4 there were more eggs than what that kid (forgot his name) destroyed. So maybe after the station blew up, one egg survived and floated into space. Good idea or bad idea and why?
plus, part 4 took place something like 50 years AFTER the events of part 3. Brad would likely be dead or an old man ON his deathbed. bad idea.
shareBrad would be about 65 to 70... Dude my gran is 70 and she's no wear near her death bed... I don't know the whole part 4 is kinda stupid they could have traveled through a worm whole caused by a supernova or something and traveled back to u know the present... Gay idea yes? but wasn't part 4 pretty gay 2? And are crites A sequal? Like do they have 2 do the nasty 2 make eggs or what and whats the deal with all the incest with the crites??
shareWell actually Brad would be in his 30's now to be honest with you because the actor who played Brad in the first two movies is just a year older than me. I am going to be turning 36 in less than two months so it could be done where he has written some childrens book on Critters for kids and they happen to land down on Earth again where Charlie shows up to find Brad.
I think that would be cool right there and Brad would think Charlie has been drinking again you know. It could be done that way as well.
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