No offense, but it's not exactly news that Critters was inspired by Gremlins, this was known when Critters was originally released in the theaters back in 86, along with all the other Gremlins clones that came- Munchies, Hobgoblins, Ghoulies, etc....None of these movies would have been made if it wasn't for the release and success of Gremlins...just like the countless Mad Max clones that came out in the 80's...or the countless Scream clones that came out in the 90's...
I wouldn't say Critters was a spoof of Gremlins, it just borrowed a similar idea of having little creatures invade a small town...The first Critters is by far the best of the series, and part 2 was a decent follow-up...personally I think Critters 3 was the worse of the series, though part 4 wasn't much better...
Gremlins 2 was a spoof of it was Dante's original intentions.
How exactly would a release of Critters 5 ruin the release of a Gremlins 3? If Critters 5 crashed and burned and Gremlins 3 followed suit, that would mean Gremlins 3 wasn't good to begin with...but if the same effort went into Gremlins 3(especially if Joe Dante comes back) as the first two Gremlins, then it would carry its own no matter what a Critters 5 did.
Gremlins 3 release soon....since when?