MovieChat Forums > Critters 4 (1992) Discussion > Why did Ugh turn evil?

Why did Ugh turn evil?

Was it for the money or what?



Don't forget that he's an alien. He's not a human. You can't necessarily expect human-like motivations from him. Also don't forget that in the first film, the bounty hunters are not shown as being "good guys" in any standard sense. They care very little about humans. They're just there to do a job--kill the crites, because they've been ordered to. They do not think twice about firing their weapons so that they'll wreck property or put humans in harm's way.

Yes, the bounty hunters are less menacing in the second film, and the surprise was that they had accepted Charlie into the fold, but they're still just following orders.


It's always bothered me whenever watching this and I think Ug
just became corrupt and bitter. I recenty went on the "Critters
Rehatched" site and this is what Don Opper replied to someone
who asked.

"Ug being evil in Critters 4 was deliberate from the start when the
script was written. They wanted him to be bad because it would
play off better for the sympathy of Charlie."


Ug was a bounty hunter by trade, and bounty hunters are loyal to only one thing - money. Monetary gain supersedes friendship and/or loyalty. They're essentially mercenaries who serve only the highest bidder. In this case, the corrupt corporation was willing to pay a lot more.


In that case, there should have been some sort of scene that showed Ug remembering the partnership he had with Charlie in part 2. With that said, a better twist would be that Ug himself sacrificed himself in the end to save the remaining crew members.

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